rFactor 2 Round 1 Circuit de Reims - Sat Feb 10, 2024

Discussion in 'F1 1939 Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    Haha John! I'm having a lot of fun driving this machine. Even more impossible than a V8 Supercar.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Well, the supercars are also really cool for me, but this mod also knocks it out of the park. It's a blast, yeah!
  3. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    I am looking forward to and dreading tonight at the same time. I think I have worked out how late I can brake for these turns. Definitely can't rush these cars :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    First of all, this series deserves a better date for the race, from my point of view, of course.
    Good luck
  5. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    • Like Like x 3
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Oh, it's gone already :(
  7. Maddie Shepherd

    Maddie Shepherd Pro Driver

    Congrats on the win! @Neil Wood

    Bit of a frustrating race in general for me. Had decent pace but made 2 big mistakes at the start, with the first spin costing me 20s and the 2nd spin costing me about 7s. I started with far too much fuel because the game told me that we'd have to pit so that was fun too. Had a great battle with @Caitlin Penny at the start which was really enjoyable and it was fun trying to catch and pass @Edward Jones towards the end.
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  8. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    I've had this thing throughout my entire sim racing career where I lose a massive chunk of concentration whenever there's no-one around me. Today it struck again. I was just on my own minding my own business, when I had a brainfart and spun off. Tbh it's really frustrating how often I do this.
    With that being said, I still had fun! These cars are awesome to drive, and I love slipstream races like that. Thanks to
    @Maddie Shepherd for the fight at the start, and congrats to @Neil Wood on the win!
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  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Had a very close call in the race with T2 LOL. Juuuuuuuuuuuust kept it inside haha.
    At one point I was running in first, but it's like you know that you're going in to a corner too fast and think ... Nah, it will be fine ... and then find yourself in a ditch somewhere.
    Got back behind Caitlin and then Caitlin went off. Then I stayed in second for the rest of the race with a few more close calls, but not all that bad haha.

    You thought I'd lay down and die
    Oh no, not I ... I will survive!

    • Like Like x 2
  10. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    That was tough!

    I have never raced with cars like these in such close proximity to others. Pressing on the brakes and hoping to get it stopped. Had a worrying few moments when I overtook someone and then lost where they were. Couldn't hear them or see them in my mirrors. Managed to come out unscathed and avoiding cars that had a wobble while trying not to have my own.

    Courses with more corners are going to hurt more!!

    Congrats to you all for giving this a go...something widly different ! :)

    Twitch VOD (Did something a little creative for the 1930s) :D
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
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  11. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    Well that was without any doubt my shortest 'race' ever.
    Didn't complete a lap in practice.
    Didn't complete a lap in qually.
    Didn't complete a lap in the race.
    Started last, overtook a couple of cars, made it through the dreaded T2, got to the first real corner, thinking 'This isn't so bad'. Then I looked in my mirror and saw, what I thought was the car behind me, totally engulfed in flames. 'Poor "£$%^&*', I thought, 'Wonder who it is - hope they don't crash into me'. I soon found out it was me that was engulfed in flames . .
    Would have been a cheap race - you know, having used so little fuel. But of course, all the fuel along with the entire car, went up in smoke. Not in a blaze of glory.
    Back to the Pit of Despair for a complete re-build :(
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    :p:p:p Practising a few times seems to help !!
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  13. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    That was the best race ever! Those cars were a roaring, shaking, swaying, juddering thrill ride.
    Managed to stay on the track throughout. Passed the blazing inferno of poor Gilles and a few other wrecks to find myself in 6th. I was concentrating so hard that I didn't see anyone pit and only realised last minute that I was running out of fuel. Got a speeding penalty for my trouble so ended up getting lapped again.
    I may have been last finisher, but I enjoyed every minute of that. Holding onto turn 1 without lifting was just awesome.
    Well done to all who made it to the end. That was a hard 45 minutes of graft.
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  14. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    To be fair, Gilles probably wasted too much time helping me navigate the vagaries of RF2 skins this afternoon. Many thanks.
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  15. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    On the subject of skins, I found a very good YouTube video by our very own Rob Milleken. Some useful tips in there.

  16. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    You were properly on fire! Very spectacular. Never seen that in RF2. Glad you made it out
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  17. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Congrats for the win @Neil Wood and all that survived. I wasn't gonna join the series but glad I did in the end. These cars are great fun. Definitely a handful to drive though. Ended up starting with a full tank of fuel wasn't sure how much was needed. Race was a disaster spun off almost every lap, managed to get a few decent laps in. Finally ended up in the hay fields. Looking forward to the next race.:cool:
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    I saw you spin in my mirror I was hard on the brakes bracing myself for impact!!

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