F1 1938 !

Discussion in 'F1 1939 Championship Closed' started by Christian Dauger, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    For those who would have liked to see the 1939 F1 championship and who still have Rfactor 1 installed...;) I have to admit that I restart RF1 more and more often, because there are so many good things in it...things that modern sims just can't give...:confused:

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  2. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

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  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I would agree with you, but not enough of our members showed an ongoing interest in rF1 to make it worthwhile to continue with it at SRO, once the shiny new, glitzy sims came along a few years back.

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