I made a mistake updating the firmware that stopped my usb port working, reinstalled an older version now in AMS I can assign all the buttons but not the down shifter should of left it alone
Not sure why a wheel update should affect a PC hardware port in such a way Nigel. I've updated my T300RS before without any problems. Did you plug the wheel into a different port than the one you normally use? Does the port work with another device e.g. your new headset?
I did google it after I done the update there was a post on RD about it, Where they had problems so put it back to an earlier one. USB worked after I put it back to an earlier one I have just had another go will just not assign the down shift all others are ok
Works in rf2, When I open the t500 control panel and test the buttons down shift paddle does not work?
Finally fixed the problem, There must of been a conflict. Deleted everything Thrustmaster and Guillimot reinstalled works fine now