Project Cars 2 Round 3 Brno GP

Discussion in 'Touring Cars 24' started by Ken Jagger, Sep 12, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Thought I'd probably end up where I started without encountering any problems, but a slow start didn't bode well initially, at least until T1 when a couple of cars went wide and a tighter line got me back into position +1. After I let Julian back ahead after his start issue, I was surprised to see Gerhard not pulling away as he has been strong in these cars before. When he made a tiny mistake on the exit of the first chicane on L3 I still expected him to consolidate and come back at me again. We did stay close for many laps until I was able to gradually ease away and hold a few seconds gap to him, but any mistake from me and he would've been through in a flash.
    Fortunately my consistency remained good (for once :D) and we stayed in those places till the end of the race. Sorry to see Brian have a moment on L1 which prevented him from joining in our usual mid-field scraps.
    Grats to Roman & Alex once again on ultra-strong performances :eek:.

    Brno TCC Consistency.png
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  3. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    I totally messed up the start , and jumped the lights so I dropped back to last and then tried to come through the field, Unfortunately I couldn't catch Alexander, and gradually he was pulling away from me so I was happy to get 3rd.
    Great driving and race, even if a bit lonely. congrats to Roman again and also Ken for the top rating on consistency:)
    Thanks to all:)
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  4. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    Thanks for the race, it was very close in qualifying, and almost equal pace in the race. There were so many BMWs and I thought maybe I should take a Renault next time. It will definitely lose the start, but maybe it will catch up later?
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  5. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    Good job podium racers, amazing speed!
    @Ken: after practice and quali i thought to be faster than you, but in the
    race the table turned.
    We were together for a long time within a second, but i had not the speed to start
    a single attack. Suddenly my phone was ringing 3 times in a row, i was angry and
    lost concentration completely. After loosing you, i was driving the baby home as a taxi driver.
    But anyway, you were faster, wd mate.
    Cu all next round!
    PS: Ken, is it allowed to try another car? (asking for a friend :rolleyes:)
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  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    What a feeble excuse :p:D
    Sure go ahead :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    • Funny Funny x 1

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