rFactor 2 Round 3 Road America - Sun Feb 9, 2025

Discussion in 'S397 Indycar Dallara Championship' started by John vd Geest, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    There is no evidence yet that is the case Caitlin.
  2. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    No problem. That's racing. Spent 240 seconds getting repairs. Then a couple laps later another spinner caused me to collect more damage so I decided to park it and try again next race. It was fun while it lasted. Loving these car/track combinations and the broadcast. Nice work Rob.
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 2
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  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    We have a plan laid out that will be satisfactory to most concerning the discos. We are working out the details and will publish the plan tomorrow evening.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, as I do have limited technical knowledge, but if it was client-side wouldn't you expect only one person to disconnect, not nearly everyone in one go?
  5. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Definitely a race to forget for me, Had some contact with @Kostas Kantzouras on lap 2, Just a racing incident I think, really unfortunate for everyone that got disconnected, I've noticed a few online leagues that require all the members to use a wired connection, not sure if that would stop the discos in any way, but I've used one for the last few months and haven't suffered any discos in that time. On to the next!
    • Like Like x 4
  6. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The fact that not everyone got disconnected indicates that the race server was functioning and accessible during the entire event. Have you ever run traceroute? Data packets can go through a lot of devices and networks between our race server and your client. Many points of failure to consider
  7. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    the fact that all but 2 people got disconnected at exactly the same time means it is certainly a server side issue and not a client issue otherwise the disconnects would happen at different random times, I don't know anything about rfactor 2 server logs but worth checking to see if it says anything, at this point it could be just rfactor being rfactor, an issue with the indycar mod causing this (strange its only this series its happened in) or a problem with the software/hardware of the server or a network issue in the datacenter/backhaul where the server is hosted.

    Only way to know for sure would be to try to host the server with a different provider in another datacenter to see if same thing happens again then we would know where the problem is, just a thought.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    But you're not sorry for spinning me around on lap 1 causing me lose 4 places? You're glad about it? It looks like you caused a few serious incidents, maybe be extra careful next time?

    I'm really sorry for your disconnections, it sucks big time, last year I lost huge amount of points because of this.. then I switched ISP and made them come install a new line directly to my router and it has not disconnected ever since. However, I had a DC at Surfers as well, only it was on the practice session before the race. It looks like an internet issue from the server side, I hope it gets fixed.
  9. Mark Hightree

    Mark Hightree Administrator Staff Member Donator

    How do you explain the 2 people left on the race server. I think Rob was still connected also. Why didn't it kick everyone off? There are many points that can fail between our race server and clients in Europe or wherever. It's easy to blame the race server, which btw is a windows server in an OVH data center, and not some piece of crap sitting in someone's basement. It's not cheap to operate but we could possibly upgrade and see if that helps. Just not sure where we find the money to do that since donations are rare.
  10. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    I'd need to see this one again to comment on it to be honest. From my point of view you understeered into me, and to be honest I assumed you would see it the same way. I don't think I did anything wrong here, but I'll be willing to apologise if I see a replay and it turns out it was my fault after all.
  11. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    OVH are known to have network/hardware issues, its pot luck whether you get a good server or not, (for a very long time, knew to avoid them over 10 years ago), they are cheap for a very good reason, here's just one thread about them>

    I would try looking at leaseweb or some other lower cost provider at least in the interim to see if it happens again to zero in on the underlying issue, server and network issues or software/hardware issues won't automatically mean everyone will get kicked, I used to host a game server in my youth and when there were network issues and there was a sudden bandwidth crunch only the players that the server could handle bandwidth wise at that moment in time would stay on and everyone else would disconnect, it's not always a zero sum thing.
  12. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    I definitely did not understeer into anyone. Anyway, no worries, it just seemed weird that you apologized to others that didn't have their race ruined by these incidents.
  13. Ertan Karadag

    Ertan Karadag Pro Driver

    Hello Kostas,
    I don’t want to interfere too much, but in my opinion, this is crying over spilled milk. Sure, my rear was damaged and I had to go into the pits, but I’m not angry with Penny. I really enjoyed the race, and that’s what matters.
    Things can always happen on the track, and I believe we shouldn’t immediately point fingers at each other. I’m confident that the next race will be better for everyone. As I mentioned before, I made the best of the situation and I’m very satisfied with my performance.
    Let’s not take this too seriously. We should work together as a team and have fun. It’s important to be able to apologize, but also to accept an apology. Then everything is good.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  14. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver Donator

    Oh dear, never heard of that and of course also an amateur could issue a tracert command via cmd but what does the output tell you? I tried it with simracingonline.co.uk with LAN/WLAN and I got 17 hops to an IP in Montreal with ~ 100ms in the last row. Would that be good/bad?

    Nevertheless, I agree that the blame games does not help. I mean, you could also argue that John had no disco in all three races, so maybe he is doing something right what the others do wrong. Hopefully he would at least share the info with you ;)

    Kidding aside, I am sure you know best what reasonable solutions (technical/organizational) are available. I am not into rf2 logs or the SRO infrastructure (e.g. changes that happened lately), but I have run a lot of rf2 races here and cannot remember such mass discos ever occured before. Also not at other places, using the same mod/track and even on the same server (presumably). It only happened in race sessions two times in the last weeks, which is suspicious, or I am wrong and that happened more often?

    Of course no one can expect that you will find the silver bullet soon or try to kill the potential problem with money, but it feels a little unsatisfying when you say there is basically nothing we can do (on the technical side).

    For instance, and that might be an naive suggestion, so correct me if thats wrong, it seems that SRO has two different rf2 servers running (some provider, different/same host?) and only on one of them these issues occured. Would it be possible, to switch the Indy Car race to the other "server"? Or try to do some test race, to see if that issue is reproducable?
  15. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    I didn't feel that I had anything to apologise for. Like I said, I'd love to see a replay of the incident, because from my point of view there was no foul. I don't have replays activated so I can't go back and check.
  16. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Please take notice of the disco protocol HERE.

    This protocol will aply to the next and all coming events in the 2025 Sim Racing Online World Series!
    (Do not discuss it in this forum please)
  17. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    I have no idea why you think I am taking anything too seriously. What crying? I'm fighting for the lead if you haven't noticed? Thanks.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    Me neither :p
  19. Ertan Karadag

    Ertan Karadag Pro Driver

    Everyone around is fighting for this championship, even me. You're not alone in this, but you see, that's exactly what I mean. I think you're taking this a bit too seriously and are literally pointing fingers at people. So, I'm stepping back now; I won’t respond to this topic anymore. That means the matter is settled. As I said before, I already mentioned that I wouldn’t get involved. The truth is, everyone is fighting for this championship, not just you. But apparently, you believe you're the only one fighting for it—when in reality, everyone is. Good luck for "your" championship .
    I don't begrudge you the victory and if you win the championship, I won't congratulate you.
  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    To all concerned:
    The forum is not intended for working out negative personal issue's with eachother.
    Please start a private mail if you would like to take this discussion of blame and accusations further.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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