rFactor 2 INDYCAR DALLARA - General Rules & Info

Discussion in 'S397 Indycar Dallara Championship' started by John vd Geest, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Indycar banner.jpg


    S397 Indycar IR18 details - link

    This is the first series of the 2025 SIMRACINGONLINE CHAMPIONSHIP.
    The points of the end result of this series will count for the 2025 4 series championship.

    The S397 Indycar Dallara represents the car from the 2022 season.
    We will run all the tracks from 2022, with the exception of Surfers Paradise where Indycar organizers held an Indycar exhibition race in 2008.

    Tyres: you are free to use any tyre you want throuth-out the race.

    Be aware that the S397 Indycar Dallara has the possibility of 150 seconds push to pass (P2P) for the entire race.
    When and how long you deploy it is up to you.
    You will have to be tactical with the deployment of the P2P until the end of the race.

    In principle, all races will be broadcast by Rob Milliken with allowance for the fact that he also plays in a band as a drummer and now and again has to go on the road.
    In that case, the race will go on, but the broadcast is cancelled, unless we have a backup.

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    All events in this series will be dry.


    How does each race start?
    The race starts with a Formation lap & ROLLING START.
    When the pole-sitter exits the last corner, the race is on for all.
    Cars behind can not overtake any car before they exit the last corner.

    No Esc. on track rule in Qualification

    In qualification, you can not press Escape (Esc.) while on track (if you crash) and then go back out again.
    If you want to do another run, you have to come into the pits first.

    This is to protect the other drivers from someone taking abnormal risks to set a good lap time and crashing (other cars).


    We will only use the original Indycar 2022 tracks, with the exception of Surfers Paradise.

    Event notes

    Fuel x 1
    Tires x 1
    Damage 100%
    Qual 15 minutes - Private
    Race 93 minutes (including 3 minutes formation lap)
    The maximum field for all 6 events = 30 drivers.

    Custom skins
    You can use custom skins for all cars in this series.


    Teamspeak is one of the features of Sim Racing Online.
    If you would like to hook up with other drivers on Teamspeak before the race (or any time), here is the forum link for the SRO Teamspeak address and password:

    For those who are not familiar with Teamspeak, you need to add the Sim Racing Online channel to your "bookmarks".


    Please consider making a small monthly donation between € 2 to € 5,- to help us with the monthly server costs.
    Remember that Sim Racing Online is run by a private group of people, paying everything out of their own pockets.
    Thanks in advance !!
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
  3. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Will this be broadcast?
  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Yes, I adjusted post #01 :)
  5. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    If Rob is unable to do any of them, I will happily fill in if that's OK.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That's a cool proposal. I will discuss this with Rob and get back to you.
  7. Mike Riley

    Mike Riley Pro Driver

    first time here, this looks really fun. anywhere i can see lap times from past events? starting to practice now and curious what pace looks like.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Mike,
    There are no times for the Indycar IR18 / Surfers Paradise combo in this league. First time that's happening :)
    The server is not up yet. The server will go up on Tuesday, December 3. You can find the online times from others on top in "Session Timing".
    • Like Like x 1
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    The tyre rule for this series is calcelled.
    You do not have to start on the alternates and change to primaries after. You are now free to take any compound at any time.
  10. Robert Emerson

    Robert Emerson Pro Driver

    So we don't have to run both compounds at least once?
  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Nope. You can take whatever you want, when ever you want.
  12. hello..
    the TS link it doesnt open to me
  13. ok i got it..
    • Like Like x 1
  14. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    To prevent the loss of drivers to an event due to mass-disconnections, Sim Racing Online introduces the following protocol.
    (TEAMSPEAK INFO - go to TS channel
    rFactor 2)

    SRO Disco Protocol.png

    - A group of discos of 3 or more have to happen within a time zone of 5 minutes, otherwise they are viewed as separate incidents. For exemple ...
    Driver 1 discos at the start, driver 2 after 15 minutes and driver 3 after 1 hour, those are separate incidents.
    - The pits will remain open during a Full Course Yellow period.
    - After a disco you can rejoin with a fresh vehicle : When you get back in session, your car is brand new, ready to start in Pits and you can use "Drive" to get back on track.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2025
  15. Matej Dakskobler

    Matej Dakskobler Pro Driver Donator

    If I understand it right, if you are P1 before the disco, you make up lost laps and line up at the back of the field? Or you line up in P1?
  16. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    yea it does not seem to completely solve the problem if you loose all your places by disconnecting even if you are put on the same lap again, with championship implications.

    Maybe drivers should be allowed to take the place they were in just before the disconnect during FCY by forming up behind the driver they were behind before the disconnect, if everyone follows that rule the order would be restored with only overtakes between the disconnect and FCY being imposed being nullified, seems like a fairer solution to me.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Hard to tell what positions were at the point of disconnection as admin is racing.
  18. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    Back of the field.
  19. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    It's way to hard for cthe marshal to know what place everyone is in when it happens and also race themselves.
    The old way you are laps down. I will take this over that.
  20. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    I appreciate this effort, but I would much rather not disconnect in the first place. I know these things happen, but there's clearly an issue with the server, so I'd love to see something done about that before the next race. Otherwise it's impossible to have a fair competition.

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