Discuss your idea's for a new series here

Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa League Season 4 Closed' started by John vd Geest, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Yeah I agree, tried to vote for some of the 1-make options or the RSS stuff that's a bit closer. It's going to be interesting no matter what happens, for sure. The GTL and PTL packs have some wildly different cars from wildly different rulesets and they're currently leading the polls. I will for sure take a joke car if either wins just to goof off and drive for fun I think.
  2. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    I read it thoroughly. I just don't think it's a good argument.

    Basically, you think BOP is too hard to do because of your previous experiences with other leagues - I disagree with that because SRO isn't whichever other leagues you may be referencing and all leagues are different.

    I don't think that's very fair, honestly. So I addressed the points I specifically thought were weak about that argument because I think we could do it well especially given the time frame, and make the series have more fun, close racing for people.

    I know this sounds Crazy, Matteo, but I understood what you were saying. It's just that it didn't really wasn't cojent.
  3. Kimi Martikainen

    Kimi Martikainen Pro Driver

    What ever next series will be, I really hope it's not BOP'ed in any way. It may give better racing or not but BOP'ing can change car character too much, racing in totally different tracks will do the trick, or then not , who knows, I don't care really... ;)

    EDIT: Success ballast are acceptable if needed...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    You can have me and Mac and Jos test it. We're some of the best 3 in SRO right now and I know Mac's interested and I'm sure Jos would be too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
  5. Kimi Martikainen

    Kimi Martikainen Pro Driver

    Calm down mates, bad blood runs all over and we haven't even choose what we racing yet... :D
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    No matter what we choose or how it's balanced, I can win in anything, so it makes no difference. I don't think the midfield will be having much fun if the Protos win though. There are some God awful slower cars in that pack in the midfield and some insanely fast ones up front. Won't go well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  7. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    The difference between being ironic.
    Edited by Nigel Middleton
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Well I can't say I've ever heard that one before. :D

    Edited by Nigel Middleton
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Maddie Shepherd

    Maddie Shepherd Pro Driver

    Edited by Nigel Middleton
    Mate, calm down.

    There's a couple of drivers, including me, that are willing to do BOP testing if it's required and I think we should have a crack at it. It might be difficult to do effectively but we've got the time to and it would make the series so much better if we could pull it off well. We could maybe remove 2 or 3 cars that are so OP that BOP'ing is useless but otherwise I think it would work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
  10. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    Yeah not set in stone at all. We have tons of time, especially with Christmas coming up and COVID people will have free time from work but may not be traveling so much, so, if we get a multi car pack it's something we can slowly figure out and at least try - even if we can't make it work 100% it's worth trying. I don't see the harm in that.


    One thing I actually didn't consider that might also work (just floating ideas around) Is doing them in classes like we did with DRM? There we had Division 1/Division 2. In Prototype Legends, we can have something like Can-Am/WSC Large engines/WSC Small engines?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    That's fair, and honestly. When you want to do balance testing you want a good array of drivers with different driving styles. Having raced Closely with Mac and Jos I'd just recommend them. Flip, Toni, and Laurent would also be good. They're the people I see consistently showing up and doing well in the Vintage series regardless of their cars, usually, racing people clean and all driving differently.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    The GT Legends mod is pretty old now, like just under 3 years when it was released. Also, those are all different years and competitions cars, need to pick a couple at most and carefully. I see it needs some update in data, with tires mostly, and who knows what else but probably minor unimportant stuff. I don't know if Bazza intends some updates on this one also after GT Legends mod, but I can try and help in that department. Like make sure they all have same tires performances. Because that's how it should be (let's forget about tire wars), and the rest should be upon car's power, weight and suspension etc.

    I was thinking the same about this latest GT Legends mod, choosing 2-3 cars out of the pack and race them? I mean it doesn't look like the whole pack was really intended to be for fair racing anyway. We also have a couple of cars from different years, the 60s, early 70s, mid 70s and late 70s... It's interesting for sure, but a lot of changes and improvements were made during that time in real life. Why don't we see how would it go by years, like 1974-75 with the BMW CSL 3.0, Porsche RSR '74 and the 1974 Capri.

    Question is how the tires were made for each of these mod cars too. Meaning, do they have same grip levels, durability etc. I lapped around Nordschleife with these cars a bit and the BMW was the easiest and fastest for me. Still gotta see more as I was always far from getting into the tiny bits and data of this whole car pack yet.
    • Like Like x 3
  13. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    That's all really good thinks to mention Filip, thanks for pointing it out. Those are also some of the things I'm worried about. I seem to remember from running these car packs in an old vintage league that I was in that they all have different fueling and tire change times too, which is alarming if there is need for pit stops like in DRM.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    This is an awesome suggestion Filip!
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    I'm in favor of having a BOP only if the real series had it. I'm not very savvy about these things but vintage racing had no BOP AFAIK. I personally prefer the racing experience to be as close to the real thing as possible. A BOP of a series that wasn't BOP-ed would mean taking away the characteristics and charm of those cars. Not only that but without BOP you could also shine at a track that is advantageous for your car and that feels great as well. On other tracks you will lose but still compete with other cars. So having a good set of tracks which are very different is more interesting.
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  16. Nigel Middleton

    Nigel Middleton Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Keep this thread for what it is intended for nothing else.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    "There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory."
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2020
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    There is no need for that Matteo. Please control it a bit.

    I'm reading the conversation of this thread now and anything that I deem inappropriate will be deleted.
    In the meantime, I will ask everyone involved in this barfight to give it a rest and behave like you are being graded for empathy. You both instigated each other and now the fun is over.

    Anything else posted here that is not on topic or negative to anyone else will be deleted pronto.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
    • Like Like x 6
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  19. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    Jos has come up with a demo video of my 1970 Corvette LT1 proposal as he wanted to try it out, so I've just now updated my post with that. Thank you, Jos!
  20. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    It must be 2016 again - I've gone away for a bit (I was in India/Japan for that debacle) and come back to a massive argument where everyone seems to be voting for the worst outcomes they can due to some rose-tinted glasses!

    Seriously, the Prototype mod is bad enough that I removed it from my PC not all that long after trying it, many of the models are sub-par as are many sounds.
    I downloaded it primarily for the 512 so I had something to race against the 917k, but was hugely disappointed by it in near enough every regard - I think the only car that was fun was the little 2l BRM from memory, as even the Kunos based cars had had their physics messed with.

    If you've voted for it then please make sure you've actually tried them all, and then consider whether you want that vote to stand - I'd honestly rather do a season in the Reliants based on my own experience with the mod. It would be worth checking if everyone is intending to drive the same car from the mod, and if that happens to be a Kunos model we would be better doing single make with that.

    I don't see how it's winning when we have real quality suggestions like (anything from) RSS, the T-70, Kunos Ferrari 250 etc all in the same thread.
    I'll go make some other sane suggestions when I have time - I'm thinking 962 short tails as a starting point as they were the basis of the best series I've ever raced in a few years back (the other 3 LM spec cars can't race them, so it's not worth trying to add them - they're the subject of a long-term balancing act I'm still working on. Although single make in them would also work).
    • Agree Agree x 3

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