Assetto Corsa Comp Round 6 Suzuka

Discussion in 'Tuesday Night ACC Porsche Cup Closed' started by Rob Milliken, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. Gavino Pintus

    Gavino Pintus Pro Driver

    Hi guys,
    finally we reach the final race of this exciting championship. I love the reverse grid. It allows everyone to have fun

    I've started from the 12th position but in the first lap I've took advantage of all the mistakes of the opponent. I knew that with the last updates, the cold tyres had so few grip.
    I've received a bump in the first turns and I got a huge oversteer that you can see during the live video.

    Apart from that the race was perfect, and once I reach the second position I told to Simone to consider me as an opponent, and the result was a genuine fight without risks, keeping in mind that we are team mates.

    Finally a consistent race from my side, with a good start and some good overtakes without taking risks. Great result for the team and for me, but the only important thing is the fairness and the fun we had.

    Congrats especially to Simone. He is the first win, and I'm happy for him.
    Congrats to Matteo. The perfect team mate.
    Congrats to Tim. Fighting with him is a pleasure.
    Congrats to all the crew. Tha champ was perfect.
    Congrats for the live video and the commentary. There is lot of talent here, hope you continue in this way.

    I want to dedicate this win to my father that gone away exactly one year ago. He was my first supporter in all my races and I'm sure he saw the race yesterday in some way.
    I love you dad
    • Winner Winner x 5
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  2. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    For the holidays SRO Public server is up with the Cup cars @ Imola !
    …. if any of you are interested !:D

    10 Min Q , 18 min races .. No P ..
    The SRO public server is a 16 slot server .. feel free to jump on anytime !
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  3. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    Nice combo! but 18minute races? bit random :p
    I think you should run a season 2 with these cars using another 6 tracks we havent used yet :)
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  4. Eike Sky

    Eike Sky Pro Driver

    Nah. I've got an idea for a follow up to this: GT4 FULL reverse grid, but you get points for qualifying and race positions. Imagine the battles!
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  5. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    would definitely be up for some GT4 action as i have hardly used them since buying the DLC. :)
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  6. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    How would points for qualifying work? do you mean we qualify and score points on that and then the grid is reversed?
    Otherwise it's just extra points that are dependant on your finishing position in the previous round and would be simpler to just inflate the race points.

    Either way GT4 sounds good as I can make a poor choice and use the Masserati..
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Eike Sky

    Eike Sky Pro Driver

    Have quali each round, then reverse the grid, yes. I was trying to think of a way to reverse the whole grid without it seeming unfair. More battles, and the slower drivers getting a chance to defend from the faster drivers would be awesome to watch.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The prob is , ACC is not user friendly with reverse grid .. I had to manually edit the entrylist each time ,and it does not sort in order so you have to bounce around and triple check to make sure its correct , I already toasted both servers doing this haha , day before the last GT3/GT4 race I discovered the servers were corrupt as a member asked why they were not up ..but I thought they were ! haha
    I like the ideas so far ! Keep them coming .
    I was also thinking a GT4 series or another GT3 PCC ,or a GT4 single class Genneta or Masserati series :eek::D..
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Andrew Williams

    Andrew Williams Pro Driver

    Well Rob posted he wouldn't do reverse grid again (though it made the racing much better IMO).
    However, if he does, I would request reverse of championship position, rather than reverse of previous race position.

    Have fun with the GT4s, I don't have it so won't be joining.
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  10. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I wish ACC would add reverse grid to the server options like it did fir AC ..I like the reverse grid from Champ position idea ..!
    I was also thinking about a GT3 Ferrari 488 Challenge series .. We have lots of options with sims & mods ... nothing is anywhere near set yet ...
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  11. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    I came across this video, explains the issue others and myself were having during the race I guess.

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  12. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    Very interesting video Laurent. Thanks for posting it. If this guy is right, I understand which was my problem, as I was going in the opposite direction widening the range bewteen front and rear heights. Probably that made the issue much more worse.

    I will give a try to see if he is right ;)

    Maybe you saved me from uninstalling this game yet.... will see :D
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  13. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    ahem ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    To be honest I read your comment the day before the race, but I got your words wrong, cause I was going in the opposite direction widening the range between ride heights starting from that horrible "aggressive" setup. Unfortunately I had an even worse feeling with Gavino's setup, so I opted for the safest option, but I wasn't having a bit of fun when driving as I felt my car always on the eggs.
    I'm just a bit pissed off by the fact that when there's such an update on physics, you should at least provide the drivers with a drivable default setup. You know, I do many laps of practice in race stint mode, but I hate to do setup tweaks to find the "magic numbers". In ACC this situation is even worse if you look into the matter of tyre pressure, cause they're really important to avoid that your car slides around the circuit after 3 laps or so. 2 degrees Celsius more and you're done. I think it's just a bit too hardcore for my tastes, and the fact that you can use only a limited number of modern GT3 and GT4 cars on an even smaller list of tracks definitely does not argue in its favor :rolleyes:
    • Like Like x 1
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  15. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    understand what you mean Matteo. I quite like it because its more hardcore and specific to modern GT racing. It is more niche for sure, but i wish there were more dedicated sims to each form of motorsport rather than the one cap (tries to)fit all like the first AC, great fun as it is. I would love a modern version of a sim for say GPLegends using todays processing power for the physics and gfx to make it stunning or a 'Youngtimers' sim specialising in 70s and 80's race cars. etc etc I can but dream.... :oops:
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  16. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Haha, I am completely in the same boat as Matteo. While I do like the hardcore aspect it is the modern race cars that hold me back. I get quite bored of them easily. Whenever I do a race in ACC I have this feeling it has been good and fire up AC until the next ACC race would come along. While saying that, I am looking forward to trying these GT4 cars I bought recently. I tried a special event the other day and I heard the raindrops but they were not visible at all in ACC, so I just quit.

    I'm glad development is still sort of ongoing with AC thanks to the shaders patch, sol, and all that amazing content that is being created by the community. Rain is coming soon and I have to say it does look great already. I like the open platform a lot that is AC. It is open but you can still have such good races with it. Sure, dedicated games go further, have all the series rules which is also a big plus.
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  17. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    I undestand your point too Mark, and I guess that every driver interested in setup and telemetry will appreciate this game. We have at least 3 passioned driver in VDA for ACC that love such things.
    The objection often used by me and Gavino is almost the same... You can imagine a Lewis Hamilton or a Verstappen that tell to his car engineer: "i would put a couple of decimal of pressures more on right left", or "That bumpstop isn't absolutely right, follow my suggestion". In the GT world is even worse, cause men and resources are even more limited than F1, at least for what regards the ACI CSAI Italia GT champ that I followed with some VDA teammates.. During the speech we had with some of the drivers and engineers, setup isn't usually a concern for the driver. You pay an engineer that should transform the feelings you have into the right numbers. Evenmore, teams never bring with them all the option available about the parts of the car you can change to alterate setup. They luckily have some real data to exploit before to go in the circuit.

    At the opposite, we can only trust on our knowledge about this arguments, but I don't see a point to transform a simdriver in a mix between a driver and a telemetrist engineer.
    Luckily I had Gavino during this champ that helped me a lot, but I'm afraid I'll have to get back on my own :D
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  18. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Team mates is a dynamic that I am kind of lacking in our current series. Well, I suppose you can have one but most people drive on their own I think. It would motivate me more to practice for sure. Do some laps, send a PM to your team mate with your findings, see what he thinks of it, you get feedback, try something you didn't think of etc.. Surely adds another dimension to the racing.
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  19. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    That's sure mate. I met at least one time in my life almost every person that joined our team during our annual gatherings in the tracks of the Italian GT champ. Me and Gavino joined the VDA together almost 12 years ago, during some Monza lobby races with GTR2. We always had our dedicated server on GTR2 lobby, and a Teamspeak channel (now discord), so we could speak together, and that is surely what has cemented our friendship during the years. In my experience, that has always been an extra value inside a simracing team. Now we grew up, but we always find the time to meet at least once during the year with Gavino and a couple of temmates.
    It's really good to share a passion like this with someone, especially during this period ;). It is surely more fun and relieves suffering in some way.
    We almost grew up even with some of the driver that joined this champ, as we know Tim, Mark Johnson, Simon Gymer, Tudor Morris at least by 10 years I guess. A good family to play with. Unfortunately I'm a bit shy when I try to express myself in english, but at least, in the very rare occasion I joined their Teamspeak channel, I could had a taste of some good British humor :)
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  20. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Sounds amazing! I did some meetups with guys I was racing with a few years ago.. sadly we went to different platforms but that doesn't mean it's not possible anymore!
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