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Discussion in 'Assetto Corsa League Season 4 Closed' started by John vd Geest, Nov 6, 2020.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    I have voted.. but we need more votes!

    Also, it would have been easier if you linked the post with the actual propositions. You can do that by clicking the post number, shows a popup with the link to the actual post.

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  3. Henri Miettinen

    Henri Miettinen Pro Driver

    I haven’t voted because I don’t care about the points. Maybe it’s also the reason for many others?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Matteo Santini

    Matteo Santini Pro Driver

    Maybe... but now we have 11 votes for my proposal, so at least a couple of drivers didn't know about the vote. I don't care at all to points or champ victory, but at the same time I can't say "Bravo, you're the champion" to a guy that has joined every race of a champ without collecting a single podium. At the moment probably the majority of people voted for this aspect as I discussed of it for about 10 pages. So, at the moment, the "many others" are a minority. Deal with it :D

    Attached Files:

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  5. Maddie Shepherd

    Maddie Shepherd Pro Driver

    Completely agree. It was a bit of a pain to have to look through several pages of voting discussion to find the proposed systems.
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  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Unless people change their votes, we have a new points system now.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Reminder. We need more track options to vote on. Please submit your tracks.

    Voting for tracks

    In this thread you can vote for the tracks that we will use for the Lola 70 MarkII Ford:

    Vote for tracks
  8. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    How about this for another season, all Kunos cars except the Lola T70 (which we know is well modelled). The P330 just needs a restrictor adjust to bring it into line with the other cars.
    Porsche 908
    Ferrari P330
    Ford GT40
    Lola T70
    Ready made 60's sportscar series without any shonky physics. :cool:
    Taster vid
    • Like Like x 3
  9. Ted Hough

    Ted Hough Pro Driver

    None of these cars are even remotely balanced so we'd probably have to be really, really, really careful about circuit selection if we didn't want some cars to just be absolutely nowhere in the champ.
  10. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    Mark - we've tried that in the past at Srou, in fact you were in both races I'm aware of.
    It didn't really work in either occasion. The GT40 is so heavy the tires wear out before the end of the race, the the Ferrari needs so much restrictor it becomes the slowest car by 20 odd MPH on the straights, or has so much ballast it's horrific to drive.
    I seem to remember the VIR race being fairly fun, but it was far from balanced or equal
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    ah thats a shame, i was going on what the video reviewer was saying as assumed he had tested them in that scenario (as he specifically mentions adding more restrictor to the P330)
    I remember we tried the GT40 v P330 (without any server adjustments) but we didnt add those other cars into the mix.
  12. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    We (you) ran 908 Vs GT40 at VIR without ballast - the GT40 was a second faster looking back at our S-tracker history:
    http://stracker.simracing.org.uk:50041/lapstat?track=vir-full course&cars=ks_ford_gt40,ks_porsche_908_lh&valid=1,2&date_from=&date_to=

    Then we ran Fez Vs 908 Vs GT40 at Kyalami - by the time the laps times were similar the 'true' fastest car - Ferrari - was 15+ kph slower than the others on the straights due to heavy restrictor use, but still out handled and out braked them in the twisty sections massively even with daft ballast. In contrast the GT40 still couldn't stop and the Porsche also had to be restricted/ballasted.
    Jeffrey tried the Lola but as it's a CanAm it predictably destroyed all 3 others so much that restricting it enough would likely make it un-drivable.
    The Ferrari was running 120Kgs of ballast, sadly s-tracker doesn't record restrictor so I've no idea what it was running there - being 15kph down on the other 2 cars would suggest heavy restriction though - as the weight won't have that much effect on V-max at Kyalami:
    http://stracker.simracing.org.uk:50041/lapstat?track=vir-full course&cars=ks_ford_gt40,ks_porsche_908_lh&valid=1,2&date_from=&date_to=#

    Most recently we ran 908 Vs GT40 at Spa and the Porsche was consistently half a second faster from looking at the times:
    Neither car had ballast - I'm not sure on restrictors as you didn't mention it in the race announcement.

    All 3 cars are from different classes and regulations - to make it worse the only rules applicable to the Lola were that it had to have 4 (covered) wheels and 2 seats, the other 3 had governing bodies expressly out to stop that sort of free-thinking :D

    Porsche Vs GT40 might work with careful track selection, but you'd basically have tracks where the finishing order is determined by badge and not driver.

    I'm pretty sure the tire model will have changed between various tests there also, just to throw another spanner in...

    My balancing act in the DTM's has (so far) worked as well as it has purely because the cars are very similar underneath*, because they're all built to the same rule book - essentially a modified form of the Grp A regs - all I had to do was remove advantages caused by a few years of development (i.e. equalising power for the stock cars. The less said about balancing the Ford as it's a mod the better, even after all my work I'm still amazed I managed to get them so close).

    *The 20odd hours of back room work, direct comparisons, and calculator use may have helped ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Mark Johnson

    Mark Johnson Pro Driver

    crikey you have an encyclopedic brain! i cant remember what i did last week most of the time :oops: oh well, looks like another no-go then. :(

    Loving the DTM balancing, seems to be working a treat :cool:
  14. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    I work in the R&D sector - noticing and remembering details is quite literally my job!
    It rubs off on a lot of other things, annoyingly quite often :confused:
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  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    There has not been much activity on the track voting front. So here's a reminder that you can still submit and vote for tracks until January 26th.

    Voting for tracks

    In this thread you can vote for the tracks that we will use for the Lola 70 MarkII Ford:

    Vote for tracks
  16. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    These are the winning tracks from the votes

    1. Zandvoort 1973 DLC
    2. Donington 1938
    3. Laguna Seca Historic
    4. Bridgehampton
    5. Riverside Nascar
    6. Stardust
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
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  17. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Is that for the Lola?
  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  19. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The series is on the calendar, but it's not finished yet.
    You will be able to register tonight.
  20. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    2 important questions for you to think on John before finalising the series:
    1. Which of the 2 Lola's are we using? They are NOT the same performance (Fords are slower).
    2. Can we pick skins? As there's a Wall's Ice cream skin with my name on it if we are and we use that particular car :D

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