Automobilista 2 Round 5 Adelaide - Sat Nov 12, 2022

Discussion in 'AMS2 GT3 Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Aug 25, 2022.

  1. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Raceday PW set on the champ page!
    Don't forget to switch and use your forum name before entering the server!
    The server will restart at 19:00 for official P1 & admin to take control, please don't be the first to join if its 19:00 or just after;)
  2. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Don't forget - Real Weather is on & Rain is in the forecast :D
    Automobilista 2 Screenshot 2022.11.12 -
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
  3. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    After qly I went to the pit to add fuel and got caught in some loop of save, continue? Seems I chose wrong and exited to the pit and race? The pit strategy screens are useless.
    Without a warm up before the race I conclude that Qly is about 8 minutes and the escape and make sure your race setup is loaded before Qly ends and you are pitched on track to deal with a race setup.
    I watched a video on setups and created a bunch of pit strategy which just seemed to disappeared into the bjue mist of my smokin' tires.
    I imagine it will take some time to sort this sim out.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2022
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Ya it would be nice to have some kind of warm up after Q .as it is we have a 2 min count down to hit the ready button after Q, then if you don't hit it = DQ
    The sms madness MP system is the downfall of this sim .. 20 sign ups by Monday then 16, on race day 14 & 5 show up & 4 make the race .. That's not going to cut it ... :rolleyes:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    It's strange that there are so few drivers. for the near future AMS2 successor to PC2. Thank you all for the race. If you know how to make me highlight the lap times during the race, please tell me
  6. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    The interface needs improving if they want to compete with rF2 which by any standards is a bit clunky but I think better than AMS2. The racing is great and the cars handle well. The set ups are effective. This is my first series with AMS2 and most of the trouble I am having is controlling my pit stops without the hassle.
  7. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The pre-arranged pit stops have been bugged from day 1 . I never trust them anymore,They do work some have said lol, but I always use the in car menu on the fly (and crash a lot from it lol ) I'm used to it from rf1 & 2 , if its a long pit lane you can do all the changes on the limiter but I usually start on the straits by bringing up the menu, I have it all on the thumb pad on the wheel so its best to edit when not turning:D..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. giuseppe santoro

    giuseppe santoro Pro Driver

    Hi guys, someone know why in mutiplayer session I see my steam name and not my in game set name?
  9. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    Yep. That's how it works. For every race, you have to change your steam name to the real one.

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