rFactor 2 Round 1 Daytona Road Course - Sun Apr 2, 2023

Discussion in 'IMSA 2023 Sports Car Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Kahel Grahf

    Kahel Grahf Pro Driver

    Well RIP... I've been squeezed... still hurt a little.

    Fun race overall anyway... even tough I've been pretty surpised by some braking points first corner (by LMP's)... when I already thought I was braking early to be safe...

    Damn this T1... today at least.

    PS: Watched the replay... that's a shame John... instead of giving room, you squeezed me... could have been a really nice round 2... was looking for a nice fight for the laps ahead.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
  2. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Well can’t be unhappy. Benefited a little from others misfortune but it’s a podium and I’ll take it.

    Tried to lap consistently and stay out of trouble, I rubbed a red Ferrari towards the end I think, apologies about that.

    Two stops, overfilled slightly on the 2nd so just stuck the engine into Q mode and lapped away. Otherwise no real issues and happy with my pace, and stayed with those ahead of me and tried to keep them honest! :)

    Otherwise I tried to be careful in traffic and not lose too much time.

    Well done to the winners in class and all those who took part.

    Daytona is a great track to start on, Long Beach I feel is going to be a very different matter! Lol.
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  3. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Congrats Toni. Good racing everyone. Good racing Nick. Nick had a different braking point at T1 and after a few laps, I did a "Ohh Crap" moment, moved to the left to avoid carnage while in the wrong gear. Overall, happy everyone joined.
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  4. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Just wanted to run good stints, keep consistent pace.
    Also aimed arefully every lap that chicane/ bus stop whatever. Its a track of drama in right conditions what comes to 2 wheels on track. Sometimes hit,csometimes not
    Special care was taken for traffic and specially if see them having a race going on.
    Win ok but not happy at all with race pace. Little worried about next race where you actually have to turn the car as this ones slow mid corner behaviour is something i really dont understand.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Kahel,
    I apologize if I squeezed you. I don't have VR so the cockpit view I have is limited. Since I did not see you ahead of me, I just took my line in.
    After checking for damage, I saw it was in the middle of the left side, so I guess that's where your nose was.
    Was also enjoying our fight and felt it was a shame it ended like that.
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Barrett ... !!
    How did you manage to go from 7 seconds behind to 7 seconds in front after my stop??!!
    That is some dark witchcraft :eek::mad::p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Nick Newcombe

    Nick Newcombe Pro Driver

    @Johnny Gutierrez left rear damage and pushed me off track loosing the lead and rejoin in P3. Lost a lot of time and with damage really struggled. I had to fix the damage at pit stop costing me more time.
  8. Tim Cartwright

    Tim Cartwright Pro Driver

    Congratulations everyone, especially those on the podiums. Was great to see such a large varied grid, not sure my Gpu was so appreciative:(. Johnny and Nick had huge underlying speed in the Mercedes and Porsche, I'll stick with the BMW for the series even though it did punish me with a huge end swap entering the bus stop at 45 minutes.
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  9. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    Thank you for the great night my friends ,
    Proper endurance racing that we had last night !!
    My race was very intense , pushed very hard since almost the start I had very nice battles allways fair !!! It eas good to be back at Sro , a word to the lmp2 drivers , allways very respectful, not very usual in other leagues .
    About my skin , did everyone saw my skin ok ? Or something like a demaged car has I just saw on live stream ?

    thank you , see u all on round 2 hopefully we keep 90minutes
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  10. Taner Selvi

    Taner Selvi Pro Driver

    Congratulations to the podium.
    I have no idea I got penalyzed by the game every pit. ı did not break the rule. Everything was as in the book. Really upset getting out by such a little idiot game bugs.
    Apart this, the race was enjoy. I managed to run away from Toni and worked my strategy well. But in the final is the winner Toni. Good job!
    We see at the next.
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  11. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    I don't feel like I touched you. My car had no damage. My steering wheel didn't move. Crew chief said nothing. So your car was damaged but mine wasn't. It got point where you couldn't drive your car but mine was like nothing ever happened. Looking at the replay, your car had no damage to it. Not sure what to say. From the replay, it looks like you weren't pushed off track. Maybe all the flashing of your lights help my car out a little bit. Who knows. :)
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  12. Nick Newcombe

    Nick Newcombe Pro Driver

    If you watch the race replay you hit me, so not sure how you did not get any feeling. Even after fixing the damage it wasn't cleared properly.
    So I'll leave it to the stewards, but watch the replay.
    @Paulo Tempera thanks for great battle, was clean and certainly a great fight on the broadcast. Strengths in different areas of the track. Was sad to see you outside front get caught up on curbing dragging you around. Hopefully catch up at Long beach and start again from see where we left off.
  13. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    Had exactly the same thing, maybe the problem is that Giles and I had both been in the ligier
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    • Winner Winner x 2
  15. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    I need to look into a few things but as mentioned by some others the custom liveries weren't uploading properly to the server.

    Some were ok, mine looked fine to me, but when I looked at the stream I saw about five cars (including mine) where the livery was messed up. Usual issue, it looks like the car had a livery from another car pasted onto it. I saw a Porsche with my livery on it for example.

    I'll rename the files to see if that works (something like altIMSA.mas maybe). I'm not sure that having multiple cars as alt.mas is an issue. The custom livery I did for another user is saved as alt62.mas and as far as I know that worked fine, looked ok on screen to me.
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  16. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    What a fantastic return to SRO this was for me. I always enjoy racing with this group and this was no exception. And I survived my first encounter with rFactor 2. :D

    Sorry to everyone for my custom livery problems, and thanks to Barrett for the suggestion, which I think has led me to a solution for next time.

    All in all I was keeping up with the mid-pack, and just had a couple of costly mistakes, and was unfortunately caught up in Paul's spin while he was battling Lewis. Just a wrong-place-wrong-time sort of incident. But it didn't spoil the fun and I'm super excited to stick with it for the season.

    I will echo the comment that this was the smoothest multiclass race I've seen; drivers in both classes were giving lots of room and showing all the patience needed to survive through the corners. Well done, all.

    Congrats to Toni and Johnny and everyone for a very fun race.
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  17. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    We could do an unofficial test race next Sunday to see if the costum livery issues are solved and to if they kick you from the server. Yes / No?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I'm glad you had a pleasant re-introduction :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    I'm very much a newbie at 'skinning' and you are probably right that multiple 'alt.mas' files are not an issue, but I would always recommend giving every skin a unique name.
    Your Martini livery for the 488 is a work of art. Love it.
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  20. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    No tire change, John.
    I've had trouble with the new tire model - GTE's and GT3's - so i spend most of my practice time on balancing and limiting the wear. On this track, the left front was really taking a beating in the bus stop, while the other three were wearing evenly. So i gave up a little speed thru there to save a bunch of time in the pit.
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