Discussion in 'Chat About Anything In Here' started by Ricardo Gomes, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Ricardo Gomes

    Ricardo Gomes Pro Driver

    Hi all!
    For all you rF2 users/fans/haters, a question:

    Apex GT3 v0.953
    Enduracers v1.5
    URD EGT 2015

    Which one do you prefer?

    I tested the corvette from URD.. and i must say i'm impressed!!
    I'm also impressed with the Porsche from Apex

    What do you say... ?
  2. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I've run all those mods and do not have a preference for one or the other. Obviously Enduracers is the only mulit-class mod of the three.
  3. Ricardo Gomes

    Ricardo Gomes Pro Driver

    I don't have the urd..only the corvette
    But it seems to me that its a lttle superior..
    And you can add some P2 i think..
  4. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I think its like most sims/mods Ricardo, some guys like one and hate the other.
    I just take each as it comes and enjoy it for what it is. They all do a decent enough job in my eyes. Unless a mod is clearly flawed then I'm happy to use it.

    One memory I have is how the Enduracers mod when first released for rF1, had a massive tendency to spin around on you in the slowest of corners, which was clearly not right. But all the fanboys said it was absolutely perfect and we didn't know how to drive, you know the usual stuff :)

    But then strangely after a while, Enduracers released several patches changing the physics of the mod which completely transformed it and fixed the unreal, low-speed, loose rear-end behaviour.

    The moral being don't take other opionions as truth! Form your own after testing. :)
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
  5. Ricardo Gomes

    Ricardo Gomes Pro Driver

    Yes, i guess you're right..
    I usually go by the feel of it..and sometimes they feel so different, one tends to be confused :)
    Thank you Ken!
  6. The Porsche GT3 from Enduracers feels great unless it's forced.
    I have been trying it at Watkins Glen chicane version. The walls just beside the kerbs are tough at dealing with.
    I'm curious how it's going to be in november.
  7. Ricardo Gomes

    Ricardo Gomes Pro Driver

    "The Porsche GT3 from Enduracers feels great unless it's forced. "
    Yes, I agree!! Totally

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