Car choice It would be nice to have unique cars. As I will be broadcasting this (not SRO official), I like to replace in game teams with the SRO teams. This gets displayed in the starting grid and official results. This can only be done with custom skins if they are dropped in the appropriate folder and not the create virtual driver method. This isn't mandatory, it's a "would be nice if" scenario. Please state if you are using a custom skin from the optional pack and what car folder you are putting the custom skin inside. I have created a guide to help you install custom skins. #1 - @Toni Talvitie (BAR) #1 - @Stephen Wenham #2 - @Ben Summers #9 - @Neil Wood, @Patrik Trefny (72 custom) #9 - #12 - @Kostas Kantzouras #12 - @Nick Westy (custom) #15 - @Matej Dakskobler (Renault) #15 - @Michael LaBelle #21 - @Paul Burnett (Ferrari) #21 - @Jose Branco (Lotus) #21 - #31 - @Ken Jagger (Williams), @Edward Jones (Williams), @Gerhard Hofmann #31 #38 - #51 - @Philipp Pichler (BAR) #51 - @Julian Care Unable to change Custom - #425 - @Karl Strouhal Closing date 2nd October.
I suggest all members of the same SRO Team use the same skin, so we do not end up with 80% Ferrari, Renault etc. Ed Jones & myself will be using the Williams skin with #31 car.
I cannot speak for him, but if I am not mistaken, then he could also choose a non-custom skin by using the default skin. So to make your mind, you might want to look at them, too. Although, if he already pleads for the low effort approach, then his choice might be naturally - default skin because he can skip the custom installation process (whoa what a mess) and car number 1, so he avoids the effort to count further (Just kidding) Anyway, I did spend the effort to install/count and I would like to use car 51 with the BAR skin.
It does seem a little intimidating to install custom skins but after you've done it a couple or three times, then it's much easier. And yes it's not mandatory to use them and default skins can be used too.
Got little side tracked, so my point mainly is that i probably install mod on race day and if im correct, choosing skin by that time might be too late for those overlays or what not. Will be installing skinpacks and what not.
Still waiting for car choice from: @Toni Talvitie @Jose Branco @Stephen Wenham @Ben Summers @Michael LaBelle @Michael Schmiedel Thanks.