Assetto Corsa Round 2 Magny Cours

Discussion in 'Seat Leon Eurocup 2024' started by Ken Jagger, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Jose Branco

    Jose Branco Pro Driver Donator

    What happened to round 2 :D
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Just checking you are all still awake and taking note :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Piazza Gioacchino

    Piazza Gioacchino Pro Driver

    Where do I get the circuit?
  5. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    Here Piazza Screenshot_20240727_003929.jpg
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  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  7. Rocco Mina

    Rocco Mina Pro Driver

    Non riesco ad accedere al server, mi dà un errore problemi durante il checksum
  8. Piazza Gioacchino

    Piazza Gioacchino Pro Driver

    I don't understand why it won't let me download the cars and circuits from here
  9. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Google translate = "I can't access the server, it gives me an error checking sum problems"

    Either you do not have the same car/track versions as the server or maybe you do not have the Helicorsa App installed?

    If you do have Helicorsa installed then uninstall the car/track mods and reinstall from the SRO race page download links.
  10. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Do the downloads stop midway, never start or something else?
  11. Piazza Gioacchino

    Piazza Gioacchino Pro Driver

    as usual it stops halfway
  12. Rocco Mina

    Rocco Mina Pro Driver

    Ciao, tutto bene. Non avevo nessuna app. elicottero. A cosa serve?
  13. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  14. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Chaotic race for me. Quali was good, but against to that what Roy said, it was not in particular easy to make it without a stop. Especially when you misjudge it again. I thought Roy and his fellas were fast enough to lap me. But surprisingly, they were a bit slower than expected. But still fast enough to start another lap, which got me in trouble, because I had not saved enough.

    I run out of fuel basically when Roy finally arrived and put me a lap down, thank god. Sorry Kiril, I turned in a bit too early while coasting and using the last drop of fuel. So I have to improve my management a bit more and be prepared to do the same amount of laps as the leaders.

    The end result was still good, but I was fortunate enough to benefit from issues others had, see a selected collection

    Another thing that was a bit annoying is my sticking brake pedal, which was no issue in practice but in the race...
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  15. Roy Cop

    Roy Cop Pro Driver

    2nd race in this series.
    Location, Magny-Cours circuit, France.
    As I had no other race(s) over the last week I had ample time to prepare for this one.
    As we all were made aware last time doing the race without a pit stop is paramount to get a good result. on this track however I found out on my 1st practice session that doing the 26 laps in one go was actually easy to do. So I could concentrate on getting a good setup and doing a lot of practice laps. The setup was a bit tricky because with both Dzintar and Kiril showing they are fast one had to extract every last 1000th of a second out of the car. Since last race proved that the hard tire is a good I started out with that. Was able to create a setup that would see me do 1.36.0 second laps consistently. For qualifying I would go with the medium because over a short stint it was the fasted tire. That was me set for raceday. Or so I thought...
    A nice turnout with 11 drivers showing up.
    When I entered the server it appeared there was no grip at all. Couldn't keep the car on track with the hard tires. Eeked out a few fast laps but then suddenly the car would spin out. Figured that was down to the low grip so I switched to the quali setup with medium tires. That went way better. So as a backup plan I quickly saved a race setup with medium tires.

    Grip was still at 96% so driving smooth was the way to go. Did a careful out lap trying to feel the grip. On the 2nd lap I tried to do a banker lap and us the remainder of the laps to try and go faster. A 1.46.650. Not great, but it became clear that the tires would be at their optimum on the 3rd lap. So I went all out on that 3rd lap being as smooth as could be while being on the edge of the grip (and slightly over). The car was set up to be loose in the rear to go faster through the slow corners. Did an amazing 1.45.565. That was a 0.3sec improvement over my PB at that time. The following laps I simply tried to hard and never got close to that time. It was however good enough for pole.

    Grip was still at 97%, so decided to go with the medium tires. A small gamble as I did not now if they would last. Did some practice starts during practice so knowing how much revs and clutch pedal to use I felt it would be OK.
    Red light went on... and off... Had a very good start. This coupled with the fact that the starting grid is spaced out nice on this track it saw me go into the first corners in 1st place. Saw in the mirror Kiril closed in on me a bit in the braking zone, this mainly because I didn't want to take risk with the low grip. Then on the following straight (that isn't straight) I saw Kiril and Dzintar starting to fight for position. I liked that because it would give me some breathing room to build up a small gap. After a couple of laps things settled down and Kiril showed his real pace. He was keeping up with me holding the gap at about 3 seconds. No time to worry about that as my priority was on being very smooth as to save the tires. Fuel was going to be no issue. I could do 27 laps if needed. For some reason Dzintar could not keep pace, so I wondered if he had gone for hard tires. If so that might play into his hand in the later part of the race. The grip slowly crept up to 99%. At that time Kiril was improving his lap times, so I had to react. Still trying not to abuse the tires I maintained the gap at 3 seconds. Then we started to lap people. I had the good fortune to come up to them where they were able to give me the room to pass without both of us losing much time. BTW, Well behaved again. Thanks for that. Kiril it seemed did not have my luck as he lost a few seconds in the passing of those cars. Thus the gap increased to 6 seconds. That remained so until the end of the race. Dzintar had made the wrong tire choice as he was on hards and they only showed their grip when it was to late.
    My tire gamble payed off.
    1st Roy, 2nd Kiril, 3rd Dzintar. This is shaping up to be a hard fought series.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2024
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  16. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Nice review of your race Roy :)
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  17. Rocco Mina

    Rocco Mina Pro Driver

    Mi sono fermato per fare benzina ma ho capito leggendo i vostri messaggi che è importante gestire la benzina e non fermarsi. Ho capito bene?
  18. Roy Cop

    Roy Cop Pro Driver

    If you can manage the fuel so you don't have to stop you gain 20 seconds. However it is not that easy. You really have to practice it. On yesterday's track it was fairly easy. On the next track it will be hard to do.
  19. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    In the end, it comes down to math and everyone can use tools (CBV fuel calc for example) respectively calculate that by yourself.
    But be careful, fuel calc adds two extra litres by default and calculates the distances on basis of your laptime.
    For example, 45 divided by 1.([1,66667*the decimal digit of your average lap time]) is not accurate for the race distance, you need a projectory of the leaders average laptime.
    For my avg. laptime, it was 45/1.([1,666667*49]) so circa 24.7 ~ (you need always round up, because they will not stop midways in the final lap) 25 laps (even with the slower first lap and some mistakes, but you need to be prepared for the worst case anyway) but because I knew the leaders is usally 4-5 seconds per lap faster in the race, it changes to 45/(1.[1,66667*44]) = 25.9 ~ 26. So now fuel tank size divided by 26 and thats the fuel number you need to hit on average each lap. 55 (it might be, if I remember correctly) / 26 are 2.1153... litres.
    As said, if you are way slower than the leaders, you can take into account, that you will not do the full distance. I calculated with being 5 seconds slower per lap on average, which means I will lose 130 secs total to the leader. The projected average lap time of them was 104 seconds, so I was pretty confident, I will get lapped around lap 20 or so. Therefore my number was 2.2 litres per lap.

    Regarding the time loss by pitting, I looked at Joses and Kais timeloss during in and outlap in Grobnik, which was roughly 40 seconds. Which means, if you lose less than 1.5 sec per lap by saving fuel, not stopping is faster. In my case, I lost in practise around 1 seconds per lap. But my calculation was flawed (the leader was slower and I was faster) and I did not hit my number accurately in the infight with Kai/Phil (was 0.5 litres short for 25 laps). By running out of fuel I lost at least seven seconds more than 40 seconds, so it is a fine margin. But that would not have changed my position in the end result. Do better management go with a more conservative fuel number. could have changed it to the better.

    In short, if you want to keep it simple and be on the save side, do a fuel stop :D
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  20. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Rocco would you please use Google translate before posting so that you can post your comments in English, which is our default language at SRO. Thanks :)

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