Assetto Corsa Round 6 Jerez GP

Discussion in 'European Touring Car Championship Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Dec 1, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Seems that the christmas party of my company is on Thursday evening, which most likely forces me to sit out. A shame but yeah, have fun without me, there is still a championship up for grabs, for someone else ;) See you.
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That's a big shame Philipp as you already had one hand on the drivers Trophy :(. Then again enjoy some nice food/drink/company at your "do". :)
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  4. Stefan Lagodin

    Stefan Lagodin Pro Driver

    Grrrrr. I just heard the charity dance of my daughter is posponed with an hour, so that puts my start at Jerez in jepardy. Might just make the start, but I don't think it is a good chance.
    Awell, happy racing tonight guys.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sorry to hear you'll miss the race Stefan, but enjoy your daughters dance :)
  6. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    That was a great event tonight. Not many racers but the competition was fierce at the front of the race.
    I have really enjoyed the Capri. I feel that it has forced me to improve my driving style as it so sensitve to throttle control. Once you get the handling sorted out, it is a rewarding car.
    No crashes or 'offs' tonight which I was really pleased about and I enjoyed giving the leaders a long chase to lap me tonight.

    Well done all and thank you for an excellent series.
    Have a nice Chritmas guys, and see you in the New Year.

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  7. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Grats to Kiril on a great recovery drive after I hit him twice and tipped him into a spin very early in the race. :oops: I really like these cars and originally chose the Capri as it felt a little bit more settled to drive, but it looks like the BMW was the faster car overall, certainly on the straights where it could pull away strongly. Even after six races I didn't feel as if I got on top of setting it up and was always a little scared of what it would do from lap to lap, corner to corner. I couldn't feel confident in pushing hard, especially after I could feel the tyres going away, even with the indicators showing plenty of wear life remaining.
    I was also wary of what appeared to be a rear axle locking-up characteristic, especially when changing down to 2nd. With or without a manual blip of throttle, which sometimes didn't seem to register with the engine, it appeared to have a mind of its own and often resulted in what sounded and felt like a transmission/rear axle locking and bogging down the engine revs. I've had it all series long and am still mystified about it even now.

    I did enjoy the tracks though after deliberately making a few outfield choices purely for variation.

    Congratulations to Paul on his Driver Championship, although I'm sure he would've liked Philipp to have been around and provide his usual challenge. At least he had Kiril to contend with for this race :D
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  8. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Exactly @Simon Barnes .
    Many dont like cars like these, old school stuff, since they find them difficult or even claiming mods are bad or buggy etc.
    Once you get it going, its so revarding. You actually have to drive the cars, not just steer.

    Enjoyed series even it was little short for me but ill join AC events in the future too. I like it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    First of, congrats Paul. Well deserved championship. After that horrible Jarama round, I never thought I would be in that fight, but eventully I got to grips with it. But it seems Jarama and my mistake in Mantorp bit back. (Less that christmas part :D)

    Anyway, I have to agree, these cars are tricky but great fun to drive. (Probably not true for all Bazza cars) Although I never drove the Capri and chose the BMW because I simply cannot say no to this BMW. So no idea, which one was faster or better drive. But I assume none of them was easy to drive, but as said, that challenge had its appeal. Looking forward to the next series, see you there.
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  10. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    Thanks everyone for the congratulations on the championship. It was the hardest thing for me to be disciplined and not get in to trouble. I hopefully learned a little from this series that I can take forward.
    As for the cars I can say I tested them all, including the Escort. The Escort was in a different league and was right to be removed from the list.
    The Capri was fast but unstable. I could set faster laps in the Capri but also found myself off the track more. I tried to set it up but did not have too much success.
    The BMW was just fun and stable all around. I had to work at the setup to get the most out of it but it was worth it. I had it set up to be as stable as possible but give me a competitive speed. I found it one of the most setup responsive cars I have ever worked with. Everything I adjusted gave me something. Just a great experience over all.

    Thanks Ken for setting up and picking some of the most enjoyable tracks ever! challenging yet forgiving.

    Look forward to seeing you all in the next one. Have a great Holiday Season and all the Best in 2024.
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