I used to run AC servers on my old PC all the time, and just tried to set one up on the new PC, and I can't get it to connect. Yes, I've opened/forwarded all the same ports in my router. Yes, I've created passthrough rules in Windows Firewall. I've even tried disabling Windows Firewall completely. I've rebooted both the router and Windows multiple times. I still get the dreaded error message telling me to check the port forwarding that I just verified is correct a hundred times. I'm beginning to wonder if the fabric of reality is unwinding around me. This worked flawlessly before.
I seem to remember reading that there was a problem when trying to connect by LAN. Found this with a quick Google, not sure if it will help. https://www.racedepartment.com/threads/my-simple-guide-to-open-own-server.87334/
I had a server up and running when the multiplayer was first added without any issues. Just tried again today and when I run the accServer.bat file, it just pops up and window and closes again, so server doesn't even start. The fix for this is here https://www.assettocorsa.net/forum/index.php?threads/acc-dedicated-server-dont-start.54475/ Simply edit the accServer.bat file to Code: @echo off TITLE ACC Server echo Starting ACC Server... SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "skip=1 tokens=1-6 delims= " %%a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /format:table') do ( IF NOT "%%~f"=="" ( set /a _d=10000 * %%f + 100 * %%d + %%a set /a _t=10000 * %%b + 100 * %%c + %%e ) ) echo Output is log/output%_d%_%_t%.log echo ACC Server running... .\bin\accServer.exe >log/output%_d%_%_t%.log 2> log/error/error%_d%_%_t%.log Changed mine to that, server is up and running now, joined and driven a lap. That server is still running at Zolder Named 'SRO Test' if you want to try to join it. I'll leave it running for the next couple of hours
I read the ACC thread, then read this one, and got confused You can move these to the ACC thread if you wish
You have 3 difference services set in your firewall? Then in the firewall rules, allowed all 3 services in the OUTBOUND and also all 3 services in the INBOUND rules (adding your IPv4 LAN address to all of them on the Inbound rule) Then in the server setup, your ports match those ports that you have opened?
Yeah, I've allowed all the ports through the router's firewall for both TCP and UDP. I've completely disabled both firewall and antivirus on my PC. I've set up the additional "let this application through" rules in Windows networking control panel. Every suggestion I've found online, I've tried, all together, and in various combinations. It still fails to connect, with the same error. The most frustrating thing is that I used to run servers on my old PC all the time. This one's just being dumb for some reason.
Just one question, are you trying to start the server via the server manager? If so, that has never worked for me. (Black box pops up then disappears again) Instead, go to the server folder and run the acserver file to start the server (btw, you must press 'start server' on the server manager first to copy the relevant files to the cfg folder so the correct server starts)
Tried, makes no difference. Something is clearly screwy on my network that is not allowing the traffic through to the server lobby even though every step has been taken to ensure that access is granted on my end.