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Discussion in 'SRO RaceRoom Racing e-Sports Team Closed' started by Doug Dezan, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

  2. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    Watch other sim drivers explain tracks and their careers on
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  3. Balazs Flossmann

    Balazs Flossmann Pro Driver Donator

    Probably I'll join to weekly ranked race on 10th February...
    2hours of Bathurst/GTR3
    Anyone else?
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
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  4. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    My Rep is 63 at the moment, I got trashed from behind at a start of another race a month ago and dropped me 16 points. I will get on the rookie server and see if I can get back up past 75. Good luck with me surviving the rookie servers :oops: If I do get back my rep I will be on the Amateur Event.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Balazs Flossmann

    Balazs Flossmann Pro Driver Donator

    Fingers crossed for your rep! ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    @Balazs Flossmann
    I was sure you had a time in the last competitions, if so let me know encase you has changed the team for other events so I can retrieve your time on the all teams. ;)
  7. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    I just come off the (Prem) GTR3 @ Sonoma and notice Norman Bruce is in the top 10 at 8th place in the Rank D Class License. I see if I can get a bit closer as soon as I get my wheel set up again. I guess when I did a Windows restore the other day my wheel was all whacked out of sync. I am 33rd at the moment and I think I should get close to top 10.

    Hey Norman, you think you have a chance to win? You are not far off the pace.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Norman Bruce

    Norman Bruce Pro Driver

    I don't think I will find another 4 seconds, the leading time is way in front of everyone else. I will definitely be trying to get a bit closer to the top of the D class though.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    Today I got my Rep up by 7 points, I still need 12 more points so I can team up with a SRO team mate in a main event together.
    I figured out how to get my points up without losing them and if anyone would like to join me in a couple 15 minute runs then I should be set to team up with someone. Just let me cross the line first though HAHAHA, Andi kind of hinted to me to keep it discreet so others don't complain it being controversial for cheating.

    Best time to do this is after midnight GMT when all the idiots on the rookie servers have been tucked in sleeping. I had a talk with a beta tester ravey1981 today and found out the minimum requirement is 2 people needed to be on the track to up the rep.. Me and someone else. I will then be over 80 points again to join the RaceRoom's events. It is useless otherwise to try and gain my record with those wreckers on there during the days.
  10. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    On the leaderboard (Paul Ricard) the Porsche max out at 275Kmh. There is no way to make it go faster, that's to bad.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    GT World Hockenheinring
    I made a 3 minute recording of the start. I worked 6 hours making a intro and outro I think is not to bad. I haven't got a race overlay yet, I want the new one raceroom is using but it isn't ready yet. The video is only 720p for now until I have my video editor template is finished. Sorry there is no car sounds I forgot to un-mute the sound on the OBS.

    Feedback on the beginning and ending please.

    • Like Like x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    A nice little video Doug :). Everyone running in the race got their 10 secs of Fame :rolleyes:.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Csaba Lako

    Csaba Lako Pro Driver

    I think this is a great work, I like it :)
  14. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    That little clip was120MB.. I will be making just briefs for now. My internet is capped. One day Canada will have better then dial up, and that does still exists up north.
  15. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    I am going to make some improvements in the outtro, I want the text to flow with the orange twisters.
  16. Balazs Flossmann

    Balazs Flossmann Pro Driver Donator

    rF2's best car coming to RR!
    Do you recognize it guys?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It looks like a cross between a Seat Leon, Renault Megane and a Subaru Impreza :eek: As to rF2's best car, well.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Balazs Flossmann

    Balazs Flossmann Pro Driver Donator

    I really love the rF2's Megane RS...IMO the best car to learn handle the braking and the acceleration.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Doug Dezan

    Doug Dezan Pro Driver

    This morning when I woke up checking my notifications on the iPhone I thought Balazs was playing a joke with the Mars Rover, I had not yet read my tweets from Georg Ortner who posted the image 5 hours before while I was still in bed. :D

    I assume the Megane class cars will be the next mega-update and when it is released I will see if there is a open date on the calendar for a fun run and test these cars.
    • Funny Funny x 1

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