Welcome to the AMS2 GT4 Challenge Braizl! This will be the first AMS2 series of 2025 Races will be 30-minute sprints on 6 different Brazilian tracks. The series starts on Monday, January 20th, 2025 Official practice starts at 19:00 GMT followed by a 10 min Q session. The races will begin at 19:30 - 30 min. Pick your car wisely as you must use the same car for the series! A practice server will be up in between each race. Races are every other Monday. Here is the schedule .. Mon Jan 20, 2025 19:30 Round 1 Goiania Mon Feb 3, 2025 19:30 Round 2 Santa cruz do Sul Mon Feb 17, 2025 19:30 Round 3 Taruma Mon Mar 3, 2025 19:30 Round 4 Curvelo Mon Mar 17, 2025 19:30 Round 5 Guapore Mon Mar 31, 2025 19:30 Round 6 Interlagos On the scoring side Besides the normal GT scoring table Points will be awarded for fastest laps in quall and race.
Buy Automobilista 2 SPECIAL PROMOTION! Offer ends in 07:57:23 -70% 36,99€ 11,09€ so offer is out soon but kind of on the cheap side for the next 7-8 hours
I was umming and arrhing about buying this during the steam sale... You probably should have promoted it a bit more that you were going to do a series. I did buy it.. The price of all the DLC is off putting tbh as well as the bad DLC naming as i couldnt work out what i needed especially around the IMSa content. I'm still not sure how i feel about yet tbh.. Am not sure of getting back for the race times, will see how it goes on the next few mondays. It is soo PC2 in its design lol, some areas better, some not so.
No DLC in this series .. The madness engine & how it works with its UI is what makes it reek of PC2 but I can assure you the driving is completely different with a complete remake of all the psyx & tire model as well as the gpx side..
The timing of this is good for me. I did buy AMS2 in the sale, seemed like a no brainier. But I have nowhere near enough space on my hard drive to install it, so I'm trying to figure out how to download it straight to my external Ssd. I'm a hardcore Rf2 player, so I'm a bit concerned the gameplay will be quite different, is it easy to get used to?
Use the Steam Library option to install it to your SSD Julian. No issues for me, but of course every sim is different and some people find each one easier or more difficult to adapt to. But then again maybe my old senses are that dulled by now I can't detect the subtle differences.
I'm hoping to use AMS2 more than I have been, so I 'invested' in several packs of cars and circuits during the Christmas sale. My Mondays, however, are reserved for playing in a snooker league and unfortunately, I can't take part in this series, but my fingers are crossed for an AMS2 series in the near future that I can take part in. Have fun guys.
I have both AMS1 and 2 never really touched either off them. My first impression is a RF2 mod again , with some PC2 features. But I will try one race with it , so lets see
I'm Glad to see the grid is slowly growing! & great to see some of the PC2 drivers signed up! I base all the sims off of rF2 lol rf1 is what I started sim racing with many years ago and I was hooked right away ;-) then rF2 came along and although a bit ruff in the beginning the game slowly came together to be what it is now .. I remember having to talk Tim and Tod at R2P into using rf2. In the beginning, it was mostly megains & cleos .. the rest is history ... I wish I still had some of the PM's Tim and I had back & forth.. they were a bit reluctant to add rF2 but once they did the sim took off .. I think if you like rF2 you will like AMS2, its pretty close IMO, after all the Reiza team did build AMS 1 with the rf1 g-motor code & that's the feel they were aiming for with AMS2. The madness engine is very powerful and SMS under contract to release PC 1 & 2 were never able to spend the extra time needed to bring it to its full potential ..& that's exactly what the Reiza team is doing .. The game is in it's best state so far with 1.6 & they are not done yet. Being a beta tester for them I get to check all the staging builds as they come out .. (the next build for 1.6 is addressing the karts as they are the only ones left without 1.6 psyx & tire updates) then next, the road to 1.7 ....
If things keep going like this and the grids grow I could easily add a Saturday series, I also want to have an LMU weekend series so perhaps we could alternate Saturdays with LMU & AMS2 .. Any interest in that ?? ;-) Chime in!
Absolutely 100%. Yes please to both! And Saturday's are good for me. (Please don't make the races too short.)
Race Day Info: This is a reminder that the first person to join the server becomes the HOST and is responsible for advancing the sessions via the CONTINUE button. If you don't know how this works or have never done it, please don't be the first to join. *To have the sessions start On Time the server must be up and running with the host at 19:00 .. We do not have any admin controls to advance the sessions. They will only advance when the session time runs out (00:00 + a 2 min buffer). The server is up now for practice before the race but will be shut down at approximately 18:55 (5 minutes before the official session starts) *At 19:00 the race session becomes official and the server will restart with - 15 min P - 10 min Q - 30 min race. This is all give or take 2-3 minutes to allow a host to join etc.. See you on the grid!
a successful start of the championship for me. Thanks to everyone for the race! I understand that many fast guys had adventures today. It is quite easy to lose control of the car, after the finish it was worth relaxing a little and immediately got a spin, although I did not want to do it. I hope to see everyone at the next races.