I momentarily have 3 wheels and pedals in my house and I'm clearing out stuff I don't need. Therefore, I have a Logitech G29 Wheel & Pedals to give away for free. You only have to pay the shipping cost in advance, which will be around € 30,00. The wheel & pedals are 4 years old of which I used it for the first 2 years. The potentiometers of the pedals might need a spot of contact spray. Contact me on my mail here at SRO. Once we determine the shipping cost and it's transferred by PayPal, it's yours. Additional info: I have screwed 2 bolds from inside the wheel-house so I could anker it to my desk so it wouldn't move while racing. I can't be bothered to take the wheel apart to take them out again. So, 2 bolds are sticking out that you can use to your advantage. All you have to do is drill 2 holes in your desk and it's solid as a rock or ... take the bolds out.