rFactor 2 Porsche Vs Ferrari Sprint - Sebring

Discussion in 'Porsche Vs Ferrari Sprint Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    So far the entry is looking like a PCC whitewash :eek:. No F458 takers?
  3. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Being new to RF2 and still trying to figure the sim out ,game settings etc , I saw everyone driving the Porsche so went with the safe bet, I tried the Ferrari and its a handful:eek: really cant get on with it and was very slow in my hands:(
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    I will accept the Challenge. I can now blame all my woes on the shambles, the Ferrari is.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    I think there is a fix in. I look at the image above and all the Ferrari's are at the back and the first race has yet to start.!!!!? o_O
  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Thats purely an artistic rendition Michael :D, you really need to try both cars to see which one you prefer as they do have different characteristics, advantages & disadvantages.
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  7. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    So I said, "Listen lady, you and your buddies here aren't in no way going to keep me from racing these Porsche cup cars". Then she said, ok, Johnny, your so cute, you can have the day off". But truth is, I'll just wake up and call in. I guess we can all dream. So here I am racing with you peeps.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  8. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Congrats to the podium and all the drivers that showed up. It's great seeing a full track. I might have been a little to forceful at the beginning? I apologize to Julian if I was. I should have just ducked it in behind him and raced with you guys but noooooooo, I had to go for the move. He got the better launch at the start but I stuck it in there.

    It was good seeing Neil in the Fiero, I mean Ferrari. That thing was fast down the straights and good to see on track.

    Good racing all.

    Thank you Ken for having us!
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Well that will teach me not to read the rules... I didn't need to pit! Oh well... I finished one place below where I would have finished, lonely race :D
    • Like Like x 3
  10. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    A great turnout for this race so thanks to all who did. I think from what I saw that it was a lot of fun for most guys, with some battles going on throughout the field. I had some great tussles with Kai, Thomas, Nick, Lewis & Tim along the way with great respect between everyone. I've been encouraged to setup a full series for these Porsche Cup cars based on today, so I'll be looking into that in the New Year :)
    • Like Like x 4
  11. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The results are up but with an error in showing Michael LaBelle in a Porsche when he was in a Ferrari. I'm not sure why, but as this was only a Fun Run I'm not going to spend time investigating further.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Great race and result from my point of view, I had a lot of pressure from carl behind me, pushing me in to a mistake :(which I did make and Carl got the position, after that I made a couple more errors so Carl got away and P2 wasn't going to happen.
    Really enjoyable race and do Like the sim so hopefully will do some more RF2 races now I seem to have things sorted on my pc.
    Yeah aggressive move Johnny, but fair, no problem from me that's hard racing , I didn't want a collision on lap one. nice pace and congrats on the win:)
    Thanks to all and fair play to Neil for running the Ferrari:eek: brave man.
    • Like Like x 3
  13. Neil Tasker

    Neil Tasker Pro Driver Donator

    great racing you guys tonight grats Johnny on the win, got a wicked launch of line had to come off throttle to not hit you lol. couldn't match your pace though so backed of to play with the guys behind for the podium places and an off track moment on grass of the throttle to avoid Carl left me in a spin and contact with a the wall it was then just a nurse it home and fight of Mr Newcombe race which was fun
    • Like Like x 3
  14. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    To be fair and I might go against the grain here , but for this race I really enjoyed it and liked the fixed set up , just jump in and drive, on other races we do I'm sure a lot of drivers including me spend time getting a set up sorted etc to be competitive and race which takes time, every now and again its nice to just do fixed setup, a bit of practice and off you go.:)
    Just an idea maybe for some races.:)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Michael Schmiedel

    Michael Schmiedel Pro Driver Donator

    Thanks for the great race with a full grid in the end of the year 2022.:D
    It was a good race with many fights and disciplined, fair drivers.
    I think also that fixed set ups to be sometimes a good idea.

    Thanks to SRO and specially Ken for hosting the races in the year 2022.:cool:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Scott Ring

    Scott Ring Pro Driver

    I didnt see this mentioned anywhere(?) and was too lazy to work on a setup and do any practice:rolleyes:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Sami Vierimaa

    Sami Vierimaa Pro Driver

    Almost forgotten how exciting it is to drive against real people, 45 minutes just flew by :cool:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It's always a case of "the more the merrier" Sami :)
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  19. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    From the results.... I WON :D
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2

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