Some of the race series are coming to an end feel free to post on what you would like to see on the schedule.
First of all I apologize for the skipped races of these months. If I can suggest a pair of Mods I would say Historix and (the wonderful) Prototype C. I'm learning in these days to drive the Group C cars and I enjoy every lap more and more.
Hi Nigel, Yes, both mods are for RF1. I saw that the Historix is already in the download section of the site. You can download the GTPC mod here: Let me know if there are problems to download it.
I have tried to download it 2 times it downloads fine for 15 minutes then freezes will try again later today.
Ok Nigel. However you can found it also on R2P:
Hi Steve I have managed to download it and had a short test it looks ok. Will put up a small series for March as we have a full schedule for this month. If you want a series with Historic I will ask John if he wants to run a series. Do you have a PS4 or XBOX as you might of all ready seen we are going to run races and leagues.
No problem Nigel. I hope the other drivers enjoy the series. In the next day I will download the Historix from the I will be ready when it will arrive. I use only Pc...I think it's another level of simulation. It's why I am so slow...almost I have an excuse.
John is going to run a Historix series for next month. I was slow when I started still am but have improved a lot
We want to make the site as friendly as we can we are all relaxed here don't hesitate to ask any questions ask with a post or PM myself Wayne or John and we will try our best to give an answer
If I can suggest, if you are searching "inspiration" for new mods to enter the site I discovered a year ago this website: Not all the mods are really well done, but severals are really funny and can be used for the online races.
WOW! Racing Xmas Eve and Day.....I don't think my life would be worth living if I told the Wife that was happening. That and I'd probably be done for Drink Racing Shame really though as the Endurance racing is really what I'd like to try out