Anybody who has purchased AMS and is not running in this series do not know what you are missing!! Just give it a try and you won't be disappointed
I will definitely but as I didn´t have the brit pack DLC I would have to miss some events. Would you recommed the pack or should I invest my Christmas money in something else, for example a donation
The tracks are worth it but it's really about how much value you will get out of buying it. With AMS not being one of the best supported sims, sadly, it's you call. However we are using two of the three tracks in this series
Crazy idea here guys, so don't take it too seriously! How about a "Round II" championship with the other car in the mod, the BAC Mono? It's bonkers cause has less aero, less weight and more power Round 2 could be dropped (Blackstone) so a champ with the same 5 tracks used with the Radical. Who knows? sounds funny and not too much job for admins.
We have the Mini Challenge coming up next when the Radical SR3 series finishes, so an available slot would not be open until July. If sufficient interest is shown for this car by the regular AMS racers i.e. more than 5, then it could be a possibility. SRO is like an iceberg, there is more going on under the surface than what you see on top!