We will be using the standard version of the car and the server will be available after the DTM 2018 race is completed this Saturday.
Hi! I cant enter the server . Connection lost always. And after closing rf2 still running in the background. Does anyone have same issue?
Ive had that now and then. Ive just done reboot. For me i think comes with alt-tabbing, not sure tho. Edit: that connection lost tho, there was a fix years ago when it was regular. I fixed mine with not using wifi but pluggin my phone with usb and sharing via that. Edit II: also last or patch before last reseted network settings, down- and upload. Edit III: yes commuting from work in middle of the night so got nothing else to do but browse forums
Do you mean that Steam still shows it is running, but there is nothing to indicate that in WIN Task Manager? If so yes I also have that every time closng rF2, but if I try the STOP button in Steam Library after a few minute it will close down after a warning message. I'm wondering if it's plugin related, I have Headtilt installed and need to disable it and test if it then shuts down normally.
I always have to close it in task manager, because it cannot run till I do that. But the problem is I can not enter the server!
So you can see the server in the Lobby and everything looks OK and then when you click on join and enter the pwd, does it try to join and fails or what?
We should really be talking about this RF2 problem in the RF2 General Discussion Forum, so lets continue it there. I'll create a starter post for further discussion. https://simracingonline.co.uk/threads/problem-connecting-to-rf2-server.31734/
Hello, I can't seem to find information regarding pitstop in this series. Are any pitstops mandatory?
PLEASE IGNORE EVERYTHING I WROTE BELOW. (IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING AND I'D RECENTLY TAKEN ON SOME 'FUEL'. AND I'M AN IDIOT. MY APOLOGIES.) Hi Macie - yes, in this series there is one mandatory pitstop that must be taken within 35 to 25 minutes before the end of the race. The timing is very strict - a pitstop must be made within this time period, not 1 second before or after and regardless if you have already pitted before this time, or plan to pit later, a pitstop must be made within 35 to 25 minutes before the end of the race. Welcome aboard Macie, enjoy your racing and (though it's very unlikely) please be slower than me!
Gilles, Ken has the final say here, of course, but i think you might be confusing this one with the GT1 series. Don't think there's a mandatory pit stop with the RS01's. But then, i'm having trouble keeping track of the three i'm participating in currently, so don't take my word for it.
Unless it is stated either on the specific race page event notes or in the series Forum thread for any of our series, a mandatory pit stop is not required, regardless of whether the real life series uses one or not. As Barrett has suggested, Gilles is confusing this series with the GT1 series hosted by John vd Geest.
@Maciej Sandak: So,so sorry Maciej. I can't apologise enough, but Barrett and Ken are completely right! I thought I was replying to a question asked about an entirely different series. My sincere apologies to you (and to all). Please ignore anything I ever say in the future (But the welcome still stands). Again, my sincere apologies. (I'm off to stand in the corner for a while )
@Ken Jagger & @Barrett Erickson: 100% correct. Forgot which forum I was reading. My sincere apologies to all, particularly to Ken and Maciej.