Assetto Corsa Round 1 Grobnik

Discussion in 'Seat Leon Eurocup 2024' started by Ken Jagger, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    A potential problem has been noticed in the Qualifying session at this track, with normal laps being reported as "Invalid". Has anybody else who has been on the server to practice also seen this? I may have to change the track at late notice as there is nothing in the server settings which would cause this.
  3. Piazza Gioacchino

    Piazza Gioacchino Pro Driver

    If I can I'll try tomorrow evening after work and let you know if I find the bug
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Edward Jones

    Edward Jones Pro Driver Donator

    I ran some laps in Qually and didn't see any invalid laps.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Looks like it's working normally now, but please let me know if you find out otherwise before the race.
  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Was that on the server Ed?
  7. Edward Jones

    Edward Jones Pro Driver Donator

    Yes, I was on the server.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    I went on and did a few laps, all seemed fine
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Same for me.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Piazza Gioacchino

    Piazza Gioacchino Pro Driver

    Unfortunately guys I won't be able to take part in the first championship match this evening, I'm so sorry, I'll see you next time and I can't wait for it to arrive
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sorry you'll miss it Gioacchino, see you next time.
  12. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Pffff......I got a Jump Start Penalty which I didn't see any message for (?) and ultimately got an automatic retirement. Looking at the replay I think the car was creeping ever so slightly during the start lights procedure, so maybe the track has a slight downward slope on the start line.
  13. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    I was wondering where you had suddenly disappeared to. It scared me a bit ;)

    Race was not good, I tried to save fuel bit I musjudged it. I will try to do it better next time.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Roy Cop

    Roy Cop Pro Driver

    1st race of the series...
    The Seat Leon Eurocup was used in this League about 5 years ago so I knew what to expect. I saw that Dzintar signed up for this so I knew the racing was going to be tough.
    In practice the track grip was down to 96% making the medium tire the only option to choose. Turnout was on the low side regretfully.

    Again grip was at 96% so the medium tire was chosen. Did some fairly fast laps at the beginning. But noticed the track grip was going up. So the last lap was going to be the one. Pulled a 1.27.9 at 98% grip. That amazed even myself. Dzintar was 2nd only 0.2 sec of my time. Kiril was 3rd 1 or 2 tenths behind that. Close for sure.

    According to my calculation the race was going to be 31 laps. That was a problem as I though no more than 29 laps were possible on a full tank.
    As the track was at 98% grip and it would go to 100% in 3 laps I decided to go for hard tires. Opting for a long stint with a splash and dash stop at the very end.
    The start was better than expected. Managed to pull a second clear in a few corners. That was mainly down to Dzintar and Kiril fighting for 2nd. Slowly increased the gap while trying to save the tires. Kiril got by Dzinter and was pulling some fast laps. I figured he was on mediums and was sorta sure he would pit mid race. He did exactly that, so no worries there.
    Dzintar however was clearly going long, same as me. By the time it dawned on me he maybe would be able to do the race without a stop it was too late for me to do some extreme fuel saving. To make that I would have to slow down by nearly 2 seconds. With a lead of "only" 9 seconds that was not going to work. Hoped he would have to do a splash and dash just like me. But he didn't :mad: Saw him fly by while I was in the pit.
    He pulled one on me like he did 5 years ago. A deserved win. So me 2nd, and Kiril 3rd.

    Looks like I have a fight on my hands for the rest of the series.
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Dzintars Raits

    Dzintars Raits Pro Driver

    Great report Roy!
    Thanks to some mistakes on lap 1, I couldn't get away from Kiril. In addition, he had soft tires.. Before that, I had driven 45 minutes in test mode. and I knew that the fuel might not be enough if I get involved in battles. So I stuck to my plan and didn't try to catch Roy. I allowed Kiril to drive ahead of me. In the end, everything came together, 0.3 liters of fuel remained at the finish line.:D
    • Like Like x 3
  16. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That explains from the replay using 4/5th gears in many turns and short shifting to 6th in the middle of some of them. It just seems so unnatural to me to drive like that, so maybe I should've made a pit stop mandatory, not that it would make any difference to my own performance :D:rolleyes:;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Roy Cop

    Roy Cop Pro Driver

    You could still make it a mandatory pit stop. I can tell you that next race I won't have to stop because I figured out what I did "wrong".
    I forgot that 5 years ago we did 40 minute races, not 45 minutes
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I could change the series options but I don't like doing it mid-series without a good enough reason.
  19. Roy Cop

    Roy Cop Pro Driver

    Just a suggestion, why not let the drivers decide.
    As it stands now there are 2 drivers that know how to go for 45 minutes without refueling. That in itself is a distinct advantage. Making a stop mandatory negates that advantage and will add tactics into the the race. Plus, we only did 1 race up till now. ;)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    OK guys over to you. Who wants it changing to "Mandatory Stop" for the remaining races? Majority vote will carry it.
    I vote for stop.

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