rFactor 2 Round 1 Kyalami 1976 - Sun Apr 7, 2024

Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    GT revival 60s banner.jpg




    Porsche 956 On Board! Derek Bell | Kyalami Circuit

    The original, sweeping circuit was designed and cleared by Harry Pierce and Dick Bremner along with a few friends and workers in the mid-1950s. The two were also responsible for the hosting and housing of early race teams that ventured to Africa to try out the new track with Bremner being the chairman of the South African Automotive Racing Association. Its first major international event was in 1961 until political sanctions (due to apartheid policies) eliminated the Grand Prix after the 1985 race. When the circuit was rebuilt in the early 1990s as part of a commercial development, Leeukop Bend, the Kink, Pit lane, the start/finish straight, Crowthorne Corner and Barbeque Bend were all eliminated. Jukskei Sweep was heavily modified to create the entrance into the bend before the then newly built Pit lane and start/finish straight. The remaining part of the old fast circuit, modified to a lesser degree were Sunset Bend, Clubhouse Bend and the Esses still incorporated into the current configuration, with the result that the circuit became a narrow, twisty ribbon rather than one of the fastest circuits on the calendar. Formula One abandoned the rebuilt circuit in 1993 after just two races on the new layout, caused by a bankruptcy on the part of the promoter.

    It hosted the South African motorcycle Grand Prix until 1992.

    Kyalami was changed again with the building of the current pit lane and start/finish straight and later again changes were made, with the addition of a chicane which in turn was removed again for the 2009 World Superbike race. Kyalami came under new management and 2008 saw the 50th anniversary of the 9-hour revival being held at Kyalami with golden oldies like David Piper and others. On 6 June 2014, it was announced that Kyalami would be auctioned off on 24 July without reserve. On 24 July 2014, it was auctioned off for R205 million. The winning bidder was Toby Venter, owner of Porsche South Africa. R100 million was invested to upgrade the circuit, allowing it to successfully obtain an FIA Grade 2 status.

    On 12 December 2019, the provisional calendar for the 2020–21 FIA World Endurance Championship was announced, containing a six-hour race at Kyalami scheduled for 6 February 2021. However, after the calendar was revised due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kyalami was removed.

    Layout history
    • [​IMG]
      The original layout in red built in 1961, 26 feet wide and measuring 4094m
    • [​IMG]
      The widened layout in red built in 1968, 36 feet wide and 40 feet from the Kink to Crowthorne and measuring 4104m
    • [​IMG]
      Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit (1968–1988)
    • [​IMG]
      Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit (1988–1991)
    • [​IMG]
      Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit (1992–1993, 2009–2015)
    • [​IMG]
      Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit (1994–2008)
    • [​IMG]
      Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit (2015–present)
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Mod update

    The mod has been updated to v1.02.
    The server is up again with the update.
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    First draft of my 60's Hippie car - Peace man!!
    Credits to Gilles da'Silva


    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    • Like Like x 4
    • Winner Winner x 2
  6. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Car looks totally awesome!
    • Agree Agree x 4
  7. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    • Like Like x 9
  8. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The server is down for some maintenance and will be back up tonight.
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    Drivers briefing

    1. All 6 events of this series will be broadcasted
    Broadcaster: Rob Milliken

    2. Kyalami 1976 Conditions
    1) The race will start at 02:00 PM (in-game time of course)
    2) Time acceleration is normal. Fuel = 2x / This forces a pitstop. Tyres = 3x / The tyres give good grip, but are rock-hard on 1x and almost don't wear.
    3) Cut Track points are set to 6
    4) 100% damage
    5) This event has a standing start without formation lap
    6) This is a dry race
    7) Qualification is set to "private". That means that you will be alone on track so you can put in your best time without traffic (point 3 qual rule still applies).

    3. The use of the Esc. key in Qualification
    Use of the Esc key during Qualifying is the equivalent of stopping your car and getting out. This may be done only in your pit stall. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Here are the only two we will currently consider. These exceptions are subject to change at any time:
    - You run out of fuel in the pit lane before reaching your pit stall.

    If you use the Esc key in any location other than your pit stall, your Qualifying session is over and you may not return to the track.

    4. You can find the password for the race server on the Kyalami 76 event page.

    5. Unregistering in time if you can't make it.

    6. Please use the
    SAME NAME in the rFactor 2 game as on our SRO signup list or it won't match in our automated result processing.

    You can change your name in the rFactor 2 "Profile" menu.

    7. If you plan to PROTEST another driver, you have to wait 24 hours counting from the end of the race.

    Any protest filed before that time will be viewed as not received. You can find the rules about submitting a protest here.

    8. You can find the server by typing SRO or the track name. Add the server to your favorites so you can always find it.
    If you can't find the server in the rFactor 2 server list, you can access this way:
    1. click on this link: https://simracepackages.lima-city.de/rF2server/
    2. scroll down to "SRO" (it's alphabetical)
    3. choose the correct server and Join with the password (see point 4 above)
    4. the server will start automatically and will take you to the event


    Last but not least ...
    SIMRACINGONLINE wishes you a great race!
    And always remember that your fellow SRO members have also put in a lot of time practising for this race,
    so please be careful and respectful with your buddies. :)


    If you have questions, please ask them below.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
    • Like Like x 2
  10. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Look at your "Local Race Time" on the sign up page for the start of the race at your own local time.
    This is my local time: 21:20 is the start of the race. Qual is 21:00

    Event details.jpg
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    whose side did i ride?
    I didn't hear the sounds and I didn't notice!
    I am sorry!
  12. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Q i had perfect lap. Coulndt go any faster.
    R thank you @Matias Estrela for the clear road in 1st stint! awesome job John! Car couldnt have gone faster! Other stuff was total bullshit...should i just start doing same things some of you do?
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    I can't remember the last time I had sex. I think it was 2022. Can't really remember it, but I'm pretty sure this race was more fun!
    Congrats podium. @Johnny Gutierrez, great to see you back in the winners enclosure.
    What time is it now? It's only 2150. Boy, my memory is so bad :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    That was probably me, I had a lot of momentum and I went for the gap, of course that only works if the other one is aware of the car beside.
    In hindsight not the wisest choice.

    Anyway, after that very chaotic start, where I avoided all the mayham but lost a lot of places, I could slowly recover. While I was at it, I enjoyed good fights and learned a lot about the SLS (Flügeltürer&gullwing). Good traction but not so good topspeed, made overtaking difficult or only possible if you take risks. It worked until it does not.
    As a result of the collision with Kai I had a lot of damage, but I could at least continue. But at my second step everything went south, changed the front instead of the rear tyres and got a speeding penalty probably because of the pit entry. Got a second one while I served my stop/go... :oops:

    So something to improve at the next one. Congrats tu the usual suspects and also Ed, stellar drive ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  15. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    I don't know whether something changed in rF2..... I thought it was just the V8 mod that had problems, but seemingly not.

    I saw @Barrett Erickson entering / leaving / entering / leaving / entering / leaving the server. Then I got gmotor errors when I cam back to the pits.

    I usually use the "loose skin" method to for custom skins, seemingly it might now cause more problems than the virtual driver method.

    It's the pity these cars are less fragile than before as it seems people are banging off the limiter early on downshifts to slow themselves down which should blow the engine.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    Yeah, thanks for the heads up, Neil.

    I was using "loose skin" also, but when i looked i saw that there was no "mas" file. I know that creates problems, so the gmotor errors were probably on me. But when i fixed that (have to reload that skin to create the .json and .mas - which is what the server needs) first thing i saw was John yelling at everyone to pick a stock skin :). So i did.
  17. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    As for the race, and the in particular, the mess in T1. Looks like i have to accept responsibility for that one as well.

    All was well until i started to accelerate and got a bit of under-steer. Came off the gas to tuck the front back in, and then tried to squeeze it back on when it did but it was still too early and the front end just plowed and i drifted into Kai's path. Sorry, Kai. The touch with Kai sent me spinning into Riccardo. Major apologies to Riccardo.
  18. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    I tend to make my skin, have all the required parts of the skin added. Then I make sure they are all added to the mas file then delete all the loose ones. I'm also making sure I don't put any spaces in the file name of the mas which has the same prefix as all the files inside it.

    I remember we had gmotor errors a while back in a series we did. I just want to know if I am possibly making my skins wrong and causing these errors.
  19. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    yeah, all that was in the folder of my skin (when the errors were occurring) was the .dds. i'd had a false start on the server when i realized i hadn't re-enabled a layer in photoshop, so i was rushing thru things during practice. on the customize screen, you can call up your skin, but if you don't reload it when prompted, it doesn't create the .json and .mas files. at least that's how i understand it from my experience. i haven't had problems (here or elsewhere) with leaving the .dds (or the regions file when needed) in the folder, but your process of removing them is probably better, i think. And yes, as to file names, i've run into issues if i don't redo the whole process with a new .dds name when i've made a change.

    it's all way too quirky.
  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    @ to all those concerned:
    I hope the skin gmotor problems are fixed for the nest race. I was a bit disappointed that I could not use my skin (as others were too). But if you don't know who's causiing the problems, everybody has to ditch it. And that seemingly worked. But please get it fixed for the next round :)
    • Agree Agree x 1

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