rFactor 2 Round 1 Nogaro

Discussion in 'Alpine 110 GT4 Challenge' started by Ken Jagger, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  2. Karl Strouhal

    Karl Strouhal Pro Driver

    I ran some laps on this server earlier today and noticed my time never posted to the session results. No big deal I just wanted to mention it in case times should be posting to this track ? Thanks. I've loved racing this car in the past with SRGP and glad to see you guys using it!
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I'm away ATM Karl but I think the results are set to refresh every 2hrs, so maybe that was the issue.
  4. Karl Strouhal

    Karl Strouhal Pro Driver

    That must have been it, because the result is there now. :cool:
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  5. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Cant make this one, bit to close to the footie, have a good one guys :cool:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Karl Strouhal

    Karl Strouhal Pro Driver

    That was a really fun race and I had a blast!!! Timing worked out perfect as I had 3 minutes to join USF17 at Donington with the SRGP guys right after this race.
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  7. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Q i did push too hard and didnt even breathe. Squeezed wheel and forced to 3rd.
    R i felt i had more pace specially on sectors 1 and 3 than every one else. Problem was i was 3rd and even i felt myself faster it was marginal. Followed leaders and watched them battle few times, even lifted few times just to stay out of trouble and waited for pit.
    Dont remember who went 1st so decided to stay out couple laps and did fastest lap at that time which was promising. And while i called for pit and cancelled it couple times, actually forgot to call for it and then missed my box so had to revers meter or 2.
    Nick had super fast stop, i suspected no tyres or too little fuel. Roman had 3 seconds on me after pitstop so i had to start chasing.
    I catched him while he catched Nick. Driving felt nice and remembered to inhale too!
    Anyhow there were we all 3 together and got my chance on P2 finally and took it when P1 and P2 were going for it. Then only Nick in front of me and knew he must have either too little fuel or tyres worn. Well that was a guess anyhow and eventually punted him out on T3. I was going for pass inside or outside T4 on braking and he was struggling from T1 having lines little off and i was ready right there with smallest gap i dared to do.
    I hit little tap on brake for T3 but Nick hit much longer brake and punt was there. It left me little clueless as optimally you dont even have to brake there and had to see the replay how we both did the turn whole race. Neither hit brakes during 50 or so minutes or just minor tap if line was little off so that longer brake got me surprised me totally.
    My bad, but dont really feel bad lol. Anyhow nice little cars.
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  8. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    very happy with qualy.

    Good battle with roman in the race, close but respectful racing, sold him a dummy into the last 2 turns which compromised his exit and managed to slip through on the inside on the exit. Managed to pull a small gap and then tried to save the left front but it just put me back into the battle with 2nd and 3rd, so had to push again.

    Roman then pitted a bit early (trying the undercut maybe), decided to pit on the next lap to avoid this but came out 9 seconds ahead, did not take fuel, thought I could get to the end with some fuel save with the gap I had but running a lower engine map only saved a few tenths per lap so had to lift and coast as well.

    This put me back into the battle with roman and toni at the end, so fuel saving had to stop to stay ahead, was waiting for toni to have a go at roman to try to take the pressure off which came when me and roman were battling near the end of the race, but toni had better tyres pitting a bit later, my left front was not looking too good so had to be conservative on the right handers, maybe this caught toni out when he punted me into 3rd, I will let it go (this time) as I needed to pit at the end as was 1 lap short so would have been third anyway.
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