rFactor 2 Round 2 Mondello Park National

Discussion in 'rF2 Peugeot 207 S2000 Tour Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Jan 4, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

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  2. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    This may sound like a dumb question, but how do I install the track mod? I'm used to them being .rfmod or .rfcmp rather than .rar
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Yes sorry for this variation Caitlin, a few of our files may have been archived into this format rather than plain & simple .zip format. You can use either of these programs to "unzip" the file and then install the .rfcmp file


    Both are superior to the default inbuilt winzip in Windows, as they will provide access to multiple archive file formats.
  4. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    Gotcha! Thanks!
  5. Karl Strouhal

    Karl Strouhal Pro Driver

    Is the server up ?
  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    It was yesterday but when I checked just now it was running on our end, but not showing in the Steam Servers list, so not sure what happened. I've restarted it and its showing now, but let me know of any further issues.
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  7. Karl Strouhal

    Karl Strouhal Pro Driver

    Is this server up ? I can not find it either ? upload_2024-1-14_9-30-29.png
  8. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Back up now.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    I really like this circuit, ngl! It has a lovely flow to it.
  10. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    ?? :confused:
  11. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    It stands for 'not gonna lie'. Sorry, my gen-Z came out. :p
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    I didn’t expect that I could compete for victory today. There is a very large gap in qualifications, but it looks like the guys’ setup is fast due to tire consumption. mine is slower but more economical.
    I'm very happy with this finish
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Caitlin Penny

    Caitlin Penny Pro Driver Media Group

    Crazy race for me! Allow me to break down everything that happened.

    Practice: I only got about 15 minutes of practice on the day of the race, because I had a job interviews that finished quite late (I think it went well, but it was awkward timing I suppose). Also I discovered that I'd done all of my previous practice on the wrong layout of the track, as I could have sworn the forum said we were running the international layout, not the national!

    Qualifying: I made a few mistakes, but to be honest I just didn't have the pace of the top 3. Fair enough.

    Race: I knew I had a problem straight away, as the car was understeering horribly for the corners and I was extremely slow, but I couldn't figure out what the problem was. As I dropped back through the field, losing place after place, I found my tyres overheating dramatically and going up to 200 Celcius in some corners! I initially assumed I'd just got my setup wrong, and I resigned myself to having to make a pit stop later on in the race.
    It was when setting up my HUD display for the pit stop that I realised what I'd done. As soon as I requested a pit stop, I noticed that the default tyres were rain tyres, meaning that I HAD STARTED THE RACE ON RAIN TYRES BY MISTAKE! I honestly have no idea how that happened, but it does fully explain why I was losing 2 seconds per lap and why my tyres were overheating so badly...
    I decided to take a gamble and run the rest of the race on softs, which turned out to be absolutely the right decision as I was somehow able to claw my way back being about 10 seconds behind anyone else to passing Ken for fourth in the late stages, so I ended up finishing where I qualified.
    By the way, sorry for flashing my lights at you on the last lap @Roman Granatovich ! I really wanted to go through so I could run one more lap just in case someone ahead of my ran out of fuel, but it was rather cheeky of me. I guess karma came to me when I crossed the line to start the last lap and my car immediately burst into flames! Luckily I was the last person to start that lap so I didn't end up losing any places.

    Congrats on the win @Roman Granatovich , and thanks for the fun racing everyone! I look forward to the next race, where I will be triple-checking my tyres at the start of the race just in case...
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