rFactor 2 Round 3 Birmingham Superprix - Sat Mar 18, 2023

Discussion in 'BTCC 1990 Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 2, 2023.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    BTCC 1990 banner.png

    Welcome to Round 3 Birmingham Superprix

    This track is a conversion from the rFactor1 track. And although a bit old, it is still a very good race made race track.

    06:33 "Be a better driver - says the front of his car ... " :D:p:D:p


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  3. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

    why is there no formation lap
  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Oussama,
    In 1990 all races went off with a standing clutch start. That is why we are doing standing starts.
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    This converted rFactor1 track aint much to look at, but it sure is a lot of fun ... !! :D
    I hope I don't blow it on the guardrail haha
    • Like Like x 1
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Formation lap & standing start

    From this round onwards, we will have a formation lap and standing start.
    Now everybody can warm up their tires and brakes.
  7. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

    are we allowed to change cars?
  8. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    By all means :)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Bug on this track

    I noticed a bug on this track:
    If you run very close to the guardrail on the start/finish straight, on the right side at the kink before the start/finish line, you can get a notification that your laptime does not count because of cutting the track.

    My advise is to leave a bit of margin to that kink and run a bit wider, specially in Qual.

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  10. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    Less and less sim(ulation). No weather, changing cars, maybe some no wearing tyre :rolleyes:
  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I can not oppose changing cars because I did not mention this rule in the thread "rules and info". And I can of course not make rules as I go along. Hope you understand.
    Things like that have to be clear before the series starts.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

    the volvo is not the best car for this track
  13. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    And ???? With all my honesty, I can't see were is the problem. Some cars are better for some tracks and worse from others. Correct. This is as it should be.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

    i agree with you 100%, but since the rules allow it you need to take advantage of that.
  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Euh .... there is no rule for that. That is the problem here :p

    Sorry guys, next time I"ll make clear in advance for a series what the rule is concerning this topic.
  16. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

    no rule for that = its allowed i guess
  17. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    To be clear. I didn't say it is not allowed. I just disagree with.
  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    Drivers briefing

    1. All 6 events of this series will be broadcasted

    Broadcast team: EithaRacingTeam
    Broadcasters: Lorenzo, Sameer & Ricardo
    Twitch broadcast link:
    https://www . twitch . tv / eitharacing (delete the spaces)
    Or go to the headlines on top of the homepage on race day.

    2. The use of the Esc. key in Qualification
    Use of the Esc key during Qualifying is the equivalent of stopping your car and getting out. This may be done only in your pit stall. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Here are the only two we will currently consider. These exceptions are subject to change at any time:
    1. You run out of fuel in pit lane before reaching your pit stall.
    2. You sustain damage to your car as a result of another driver and cannot make it back to your pit stall. You must prove your qualifying session was wrecked by another driver and that you made an attempt to return to pit lane.

    If you use the Esc key in any location other than your pit stall, your Qualifying session is over and you may not return to the track.

    3. Birmingham Conditions
    1) The race will start at 02:00 PM (in-game time of course)
    2) Time acceleration is normal. Fuel and Tires are set to normal.
    3) Cut Track points are set to 10
    4) This race has 100% damage
    5) There is no mandatory pitstop
    6) This event has a formation lap & standing start, so put 1 lap of extra fuel in.

    4. You can find the password for the race server on the Birmingham event page.

    5. You can find the server by first typing sro

    6. Unregistering in time if you can't make it.

    7. No-shows (keeping the entry list real)

    If a driver does not show without unregistering for that event or letting us know that he can't make it on the event forum, he will be removed from the series.
    If he is no longer interested in the series, it's fine like it is.
    If he forgot about the event, he can sign up for the series again.

    (You don't have to unregister for the whole series. You can unregister only for the event you can't do.)

    8. Please use the same name in the rFactor 2 game as on our signup list or it won't match in our automated result processing.

    9. If you plan to PROTEST another driver, you have to wait 24 hours counting from the end of the race.
    Any protest filed before that time will be viewed as not received. You can find the rules about submitting a protest here.

    10. Last but not least ... SIMRACINGONLINE wishes you a great race!


    If you have questions, please ask them below.
  19. Oussama Knani

    Oussama Knani Pro Driver

  20. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    There are no words! To be assessed a 43 sec stop and go for doing nothing wrong. Even if I had done something wrong it should have give penalty points like 1.25 pts or something. I was creating a gap to the guy behind for the first 8 laps till i had to serve the penalty. I was shocked to be stationary for 43 sec. I then managed to match those times pretty much all the way to the end of the race, so I would have ended in 2nd, or 3rd if Oussama hadnt' got the same penalty.

    Just very disappointing.

    Until the next time.......
    • Agree Agree x 1

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