Project Cars 2 Round 3 Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca

Discussion in 'Formula C USA Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Feb 4, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Brian Donald

    Brian Donald Pro Driver Donator

    Hi guys,
    I wont manage to race to-night as away at the moment.
    Have a good race.
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  3. Scott Ring

    Scott Ring Pro Driver

    Wow I had some crazy dumb moments out of control.. Cant believe I didnt hit anyone, as far as I know anyway. Or good job missing me!
    Later I thought my shifter died, stuck in 4th, but I went in pits and they fixed it, only to get it stuck in 3rd again later..

    Anyone ever had this issue?
    And Julian how on earth did I stay in front of you that last lap?!
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  4. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Strange one Scott, on the server mechanical damage i think is off , so not sure on that one, could be another occasional PC2 Glitch.
  5. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Yeah that was an additional challenge in the corkscrew, it looked strange but no real harm I think.

    I never had a sudden loss of controls, but occasionally when I started the game I had no controls at all, for example yesterday. But I think this is unrelated to your problem.

    To my race, well one of the best in PC2 for sure. First I have to thank @Julian Smith for his help. In addition, I think understood the car better, because before this round I was very aggressive on the throttle, which makes you live harder then necessary. I found out that beeing gentle on throttle is easier to drive and also faster. On top, Laguna Seca is one of my favorite tracks, that probably helped, too. Getting third was fortunate because others had a lot of trouble and I also made some misstakes. Still, I was enjoying to drive the car and able to keep it up with the midfield.

    I am forced to miss the next round but I am looking forward to join you for the remainder of the series.
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  6. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Congrats to the podium drivers, Great job Bjorn, nice well deserved win shame Gerhard got disconnected would have been right up there.
    As for me I made a complete dumpster fire on that race, Lost concentration with 15mins to go:mad: and badly damaged the car, so had to pit for repair and came out P3 then was giving chase to Herman (I think) and then hopefully maybe get up to race Bjorn and was having fun for the chase, but got to close to Herman on a fast corner , lost downforce and damaged it again:mad: lol. another pit stop. What a plank I am:D
    Thx to all for good racing and see you at the next one, unless I decide to retire my brain. :p
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  7. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Never heard of that shifter problem before Scott. Do you a manual shifter or paddles, not that it should make any difference as it appears to have been a sim glitch thing, but odd it happened twice.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Because I'm a plank:oops::oops: and had to pit again. lol:) you more than deserved to be in front, but to be fair you were on good pace on the last lap
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  9. Scott Ring

    Scott Ring Pro Driver

    I like using my g27 shifter set up as sequential so I can use my paddles to look left/right. But I think I'll be using paddles next race.
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  10. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    Grats to Björn , he has lost his FFB sometimes and had hard to struggle to defend against Herman at the end. Good job Podium! I had a disconnect and will dry my tears till next round.
    PS: cannot beleive, you made a mistake Julian , i always thought you are a computer :eek:. Cheers mate! :)
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  11. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver

    Another lucky one , most go for the lottery , but I guess I had my luck now. ;)
    Congrats to fellow podium player and great thank you for admins job here.
    Was surprised when I saw Julian in pit:eek: , my struggle had started just before that.

    FB loos all off a sudden, on and off sometime one curve and other 2/4 times a lap.
    Feelt like drive on ice , when reading off all problem for others also , might be the game this time
    and not my gear:confused: had some small issue at practise earlier this week :rolleyes: .
    Could be me PC getting old ? its 4 years now ,what do you think guy´s:confused:
    or possible my wheelbase its 2,5 years now:confused:
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  12. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    @Björn Johansson I have never had a FFB loss problem in PC2 in the 1000+ hrs I have played it but I use a thrust master TS500, however I get FFB loss in RF2 more than I like, but that can easily be reset on the fly that I learnt as being a newbie in that sim.
    I expect unless you get it in all sims it would not be your Hardware, Just an occasional PC2 glitch.
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  13. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver

    Yeah its a bit strange , Me neither had any issue with PC2 , some time in RF2 started a year ago . Been in contact with Fanatec support and got some tip that had helped
    but this time not sure think it is soem wheelbase heating problem. will try to open it later today.
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  14. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver


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