I've been in touch with the provider of the rFactor Matchmaker service and they have confirmed a problem, which will hopefully be fixed soon. In the meantime you can still join the server by direct IP connection using either LiveRacers or the IP address shown in LiveRacers and inputting it directly into the rFactor Lobby. PM me if you don't know how to do it.
New car and track combo so went ok. Good close racing with Scott. And funny mirrors. Thought Im hallucinating until figured it out lol.
Toni with a new car, track, and not much practice.. do that more often so I have another chance to race with you. Or put some effort in because Ceasare needs some company way out in front. Ken would’ve been quicker than I If he’d had some practice, So I bet that would’ve been a good race between you two.
Yes I was lacking in practice because for 2hrs before the race I was trying to sort out the rF Matchmaker problem
Thanks for all your efforts Ken (and all admins), I know I couldnt run this show AND also perform as well as you do.. I'm too lazy!