Assetto Corsa Round 3 Zandvoort

Discussion in 'ADAC Formula 4 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Apr 24, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Oli Bateson

    Oli Bateson Pro Driver

    PC freeze and restart 17 seconds from the end :mad: Was enjoying the race upto then. Might be time for a new PSU
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Ed & I were wondering what happened to you Oli, but we suspected you ran out of fuel. Hope you get the problem fixed if that is what it is.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Oli Bateson

    Oli Bateson Pro Driver

    Ive been getting random 'unexpected power loss' event restarts for a while now but never in game before. I will try a graphics driver update etc as it may just be Assetto Corsa causing grief, but the PSU is 7 years old now and Ive upgraded the GPU and CPU since I got it, so suspect its being stressed a bit.
  5. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    That probably does not mean anything, but AC is causing way less trouble for my old computer than the others "newer" sims (e.g. PC2, rf2), even with the shaders patch on.

    Anyway, stressful race for me because I once again had a bad qualifying. My best time in free practice was nearly a second faster. I am clearly missing something, which seems not the pace over one lap, but the good thing is points were awarded in the race. I was a bit worried to get caught up in spin festival, so I tried to manage the risk. For instance, the inside curbs are not my friend, neither are low gears (even turn for turn 10 third gear), high downforce, low brake power and a tyre change. I suspect Kai and Scott would have been strong competitors with their strategies but today they had too many misfortune on their side. So I made the most out of it, lucky podium in the end but I think this time my strategy worked. That will be a different story next time, hopefully with some more drivers.
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    Bad luck Oli.

    I made a heavy effort to actually turn up on time to this one and it paid off - what a race!
    I got off to a good start while positions 2-3-4 argued over corner rights, this gave me a sensible gap by the time Michal got clear in 2nd.
    All was good until I clipped the kurb at Gerlachbocht (T3) - this put me onto the grass for Hugenholzbocht where I bounced funny and ended up half spinning my way up the grass, and then across the circuit into the barriers.

    I rejoined a second or 2 back behind Phil and set about catching him. Passing proved easier than I'd hoped for as he lifted a bit in Scheivlak and span.
    I put some solid laps in and very slowly started pulling Michal in - he then pitted very early and caught me a bit off guard.
    I'm not sure if this was always the strategy - or if he was aiming to undercut me to stay ahead on track - but was luckily putting in pretty solid mid-high 1:40's so chose to stay out until at least the 1/2 way point where I had originally intended to pit.
    I'd been watching Michal's lap times and realised that I was actually making ground if anything despite the crash damage and knackered tires so in the end I went for the over-cut.
    I reasoned that I may or may not manage to get out of the pits in front - but if I was behind then coming out on tires that were 15 minutes younger had to be a fairly hefty advantage that I could use in order to make a pass (Thank you Ozy touring cars).

    It's possible I may have managed to exit in front had I not also elected to have my damage repaired, but I exited about a second behind Michal and in a car that rapidly proved to be much quicker thanks to the new tires.

    I made 2 silly errors myself while attempting to pass, each of these put me into a skid and cost me considerable time, then I sorted myself out and got close enough for some proper attempts.
    Michal managed to place his car well enough to make a pass almost impossible, my first attempt at a run down the outside into Tarzan ended in a large skid and my loosing nearly a second.
    A few laps later I tried again and managed to make it half stick - we ran side-by-side all the way from the S/F line until the entry to Scheivlak.
    My added pace put me into a slight slide again and nearly allowed Michal back through but it looks like he got onto the throttle slightly too soon and had to back off at the wrong point.

    Once I had enough gap to not worry I was able to just drive away on my considerably newer tires.

    A great race, well done to the podium and all finishers. As much fun as these are here they were bloody twitchy :)
    • Like Like x 4
  7. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    Sorry I couldn't join you this evening guys.
    See you in a fortnight.
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    After my exploits in previous races with a huge amount of spins, this time I focused on stability and safety.
    Qualifying didn't quite go my way, but the second line was ok.
    Virtually flawless race, tactically correct, clean track duels with Phil and Tim.

    I need to improve my setting for fast corners, maybe next time I will be able to defend more effectively. ;)

    Nice racing.
    Nice cars.
    Fast Drivers
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    Bad luck yesterday.
    First the internet went down ,and I didn't make it to the qualify!
    And in the race, someone kicked me out,when the car broke too much and was not in the mood to continue the race!
    In that situation, the gentleman could have followed the rule (i.e. waited)
  10. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Kai both Ed and myself saw your car warp off track in T1 and there was no contact with another car. The race replay shows that too.

    Kai RSS4 Zanvoort.jpg
  11. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    Hyvä kun kerroit!
    Voi, tunsin itse vaikutuksen, mutta sen tarvitse olla viive!:(
    • Like Like x 1

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