Assetto Corsa Round 4 Mantorp Park

Discussion in 'European Touring Car Championship Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

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  2. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    George Chirca and Gary Hepton have been de-registered from the series for no-shows at the first three events. They can always register again for the remaining races if they would actually like to run in them.
  3. Simon Barnes

    Simon Barnes Pro Driver

    Well done guys tonight.
    I've said it before, I don't know how you go so fast. I felt as though I was on the limit all night but still got lapped twice on this treacherous little circuit. Good fun but slid out and lost the front end a few times. It's extremely stressful getting lapped and I suffered a long period where I was worried more about who was coming behind me than watching the road. This led to a disastrous period with about 10 mins to go when I lost control a few times and my morale suffered a bit.
    Finally managed to get it back together for the last couple of laps.
    Thanks admins and racers.
    See you at Charade.
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  4. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    It might not that easy as it looks, a mistake is quickly made, or two. My initial getaway was good, my brake point for turn one and two not :confused: Again, Je suis désolé Christian, that contact should have been avoided from my side. I let everybody through and started yet again another catch up. That went quite good, better than I thought, because this track is a bit more like Jarama, where I struggled a lot.

    Flawless race from Paul, congrats. Toni had a cheeky plan, which could have worked but I was not fast enough to go for another rampage (one was enough) :eek:
    Low and highlight video

    Looking forward to Charade.
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  5. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    No problem Philipp, race fact :rolleyes:
    Small circuit, difficult for these big cars... it's hot!
    Except the incident at the start, the race was looking good if I hadn't made a mistake with the fuel quantity...:eek:
    But I'm realising that I'm enjoying driving Assetto less and less! And in addition, very many of these cars come from the work of the same author :rolleyes : I don't think they're that great (even though they're often used in several races).
    (I'm talking about the majority of these cars, not just the ones here tonight, what do you think?)

    We'll see at Charade
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
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  6. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Car sure is handfull, i got it nice for corner entrys but exits i were in trouble.
    Lost my touch to P1 as my gear got stuck on 2nd gear on main straight. Dont know why it does that sometimes, well its kind of daily basis.
    All the leds go wild and gear wont change for few seconds. Now i lost around 4 seconds.
    Before that i was hanging in there nicely.
    After that lost my rhytm for a good while.
    @Philipp Pichler caught up to my mirrors and soon my rear bumbers so best bet was to just let him loose and not waste time at all. Was hoping him to catch up @Paul Upham and while they fight, i could maybe catch up too and then who knows what might happen. Often fighting for a spot just makes no sense in the big picture and personally i like to go for a win even with a tiny chance than fight for a lower position.
    Also if im not driving for a win, why spoil a race for a driver who might have a shot and is faster than me?
    Anyhow was fun to drive and that 45minutes went by without boredom :)
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  7. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    If that's the case I hadn't realised we had been selecting cars from the same author across our series. Which mods are you referring to Christian?
  8. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Ken, don't take this the wrong way, I don't want to criticise the series organised here.
    The main mods used many times online are made by a guy called Bazza (not only him) (the ACL and TCL mods for example)
    As they're complete mods, it's pretty easy to have several cars together and it's true that finding better cars and racing them together isn't always easy!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    Website has been down so not able to comment until now.

    Thanks for the great race Philip! I am not sure what Christian's issue is with the cars but I find them a challenge and incredible to drive all at the same time. I really had to work with the set up to get the most out of the car, and I am lovin' it. I am hoping to stay competitive with hopefully minimal mistakes at Charade. I have loved the track choices and this series in general. Keep up the great work Ken! I find Assetto to be an incredible, all around, sim and look forward to keeping it going. I hope Christian's opinion of Assetto, or the mods, is not a common one. If what he says about all car mods are from Bazza is true, then, keep up the great work Bazza. I am just thankful that there are people out there willing to do these great track and car mods. Thank you all for doing such great work. Anyone who feels they can do better, Please have a go!

    Look forward to another great race in Charade...see you all there.
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