rFactor 2 Round 5 Road America

Discussion in 'CART 1990 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

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  2. Michael LaBelle

    Michael LaBelle Pro Driver

    The guy on our server calling himself Your Name is becoming annoying.
  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I changed the race password again.
    Apparently, someone calling himself "your name" is misbehaving and kicking people from our server in a 1 on 1 situation.

    Please don't give out the password to anyone who is not registered for an event. :)
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  4. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    Michael I am so sorry, I am a complete and utter twat for ruining your race. Somehow I got the markers mixed up and thought I was at 200 when it was 100. Not that thats gonna make you feel any better. Sorry again I feel bad about it because you would have probably gone on to win the race. I'm so sorry.
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    My Q lap was just perfect and really happy with that. If someone got replay of that session, please share.

    R @Michał Mazurek had a good start and i knew he got more pace on straights so np its a long game. Then @Phil Brown catched me and was really going for it so didnt mind that either, let him go, im doing long game with hard tyres and no stop. Lets just get a cap behind and start racing when clock hits 30minutes or so.
    @Phil Brown softs and planning to stop? Seemed like you were really under pressure to pass us quick and start pulling away.
    For my eyes Phil vs Michal looked like someone's engine blue up and crash came because of that. Was thinking that probably either of them 2 forgot the engine cooling off. Nevertheless @Michał Mazurek might be the most unlucky person around atm.
    Plan was to just follow calculate if got enough fuel and see how is tyre wear, was cruising on boost 2 at start stages so what came to pace, i had no issues at all. Im pretty confident that no matter what happened, nobody had a chance today.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    Qualification failed, I did one measurement to have time, then it was supposed to be fire. ;) Failed to.
    The race: good start, then I wanted to go easy and save my tires. The tires were durable, but the engine and gearbox went to the sand. @Phil Brown I'm not even very angry.:)
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  7. Philipp Pichler

    Philipp Pichler Pro Driver

    Massive respect for the top 7 in the starting grid. I struggle a lot on the soft (prime) tyre compared to the alternate. Ok the start of the race was also not that pretty, you guys were too fast for me. @Lorne Martin , no idea what happened there at turn one - lap three. I checked the replay and I did not brake too early. Was there a lag from my side, because that all looked a bit strange. For me it was no harm, no foul (astonishing regarding how easy these cars break) but I hope that your spin was not caused by something from my side.

    After that I tried to find my rythm, which was sort of tough. Braking onto turn five and accelerating were one of my major issues, the other was the last sector with the last turn. I also spun because I was to early on the gas. Lucky me survived without any damage (expect for tires, a bit) and slowly I got my mojo back. The second half of the race was completely different, although I cannot belive how much bad luck the guys in front had - brutal. Finishing third feels undeserved, but even if it would be eight I am satisfied with the pace. I got a bit greed at the end, fought to keep the gap to Toni as small as possible. It worked, I stayed on the lead lap and nearly lost the car at the last turn in the last lap :D

    Looking forward to the last race with these tricky cars respectively this tricky series.

    Oh @Toni Talvitie , thanks for your help. I hope I can help you out with the quali replay.
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