Hi registered for this and downloaded and got the cars necessary to do it. Now tried single player and all works but tried to go on the server to practice but the server said I was missing something and wouldn't let me in? Is there a reason to this? If so please let me know. Cheers Andre
i would check you have the correct track installed. a few times with steam tracks and rfactor 2 servers i have had to unsubscribe the track in steam then re subscribe and reloads and sorts its self,
You need the mod plus the skin pack Andre https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1586872017&searchtext=
No words. Last two laps was a little freeze and then one big freeze in turn and im in the wall. Just no words.
That's really rough Denis, wondered what happened. you were so far up the road never saw you... Great track that too and great racing.
Thanks for a great race 1st time on the track and on an online race as well!! WOW really intense! I hope I didn't get in anyone's way but stayed to the end as good experience for me. Thank you again.
Sorry to hear that. I also had a freeze in Stirling corner, in the last half of the race, but I survive with some luck.
wow these are fun to drive, what a great fun race got a fairly stable set up but man it chewed through the tyres and with in 5 laps they felt like driving on squares and a lot ,ore input was needed, had a great battle with Rob for 70% of race running third at one point due to other bad luck but stuck in in gravel and Rob and the fast flying Norman went flying by, was good to be so close till the end guys mage intense thanks enjoyed this
I think this may mean that there was a some problems on server. Or maybe not and it was a our local problems. Anyway it happened and Im not survived, so it doesn't matter now. Thanks guys to all for this race. My congrats to winner and podium. If talk about the race, I can only say that was a great race for me in Q and in first half race. I have been little problems in first half with front left wheel but it's didn't stop me and I continued to move towards my second victory in rfactor 2 and this championship. After pit my car was excellent. It's a shame that race is over for me like this. Anyway another good experience for me. I've spent less than 10 online races in rfactor 2 so I think my results not bad for a beginner. Thanks again to all and I hope see you soon in rfactor 2.
Great race everyone ! & sorry about the technical issues Denis.. Brands is an amazing place and always provides some great racing ! I'm Racing the Merc this series ..