rFactor 2 Round 6 Osterrreichring

Discussion in 'Historic F3 Cup 2023 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Jun 14, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    We are not going to Austria??
  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  4. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    For Info this track is listed in rF2 as "Spielberg Historic"
  5. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    7 days of work, yesterday 16hours and now just got out from 8 hour shift. Not much rest in between. Couple cold bewerages and lets see how this goes :D
    Like the track.
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  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Good luck to Gert-Jan, Liudas & Michal in this final round for the series. May the best man on the day win :)
  7. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

    guys i can't see server in list, no filter or anything, only ~35 servers load for me. everything in internet works, is there anything i can do? can i somehow try comnnecting directly to ip?
  8. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Congrats Michal! Fun stuff. Toni, I hope we didn't touch. Liudas on my right, you in front, on a left hander, then say you get sideways, then I start screaming like a school girl and the big bang happened to all three. Don't know who touched who but I had fun.

    Cheers to everyone,

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  9. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

    what a nerve-racking rollecoaster series for me. thanks Ken for accepting me with another nick - i very much felt my participation is hanging on a thread b'cos of that server list issue... i'm still baffled how that could have been happening, investigation pending.

    as for the race, it was an impossible-to-escape fight with Gert. our contact and spin in The chicane, - i felt i'm leaving you some space and we weren't really side by side, thus it felt to me like you smashing into me, yet it was tight, i was barely keeping my trajectory. thanks for gentleman's gesture letting me through. as for what happened later between you three in front, even though i saw it, all cars were white and it was hard to keep track, names tags were also bit much in such crowd so, but although i didn't have any contact with any of you three, it also derailed me - luckily i recovered quickly enough.

    EDIT: i looked and looked at replay, Gert, - can't see what you could have done differently, so i hope you agree it was just a racing incident. then again, we luckily could continue our fight.

    thank you all for the series and sorry for the fuss and drama before start tonight... and thanks for great conduct and racing experience!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
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  10. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    What a finish to the series with the top three drivers split by only 1 point each and with five of the six available wins between them! :eek:
    Congratulations to Liudas on his first Series Championship win at SRO and to Gert-Jan and Michal on their podium positions.

    The next rF2 series at this timeslot is being held in the land of the rising-sun https://simracingonline.co.uk/threads/super-gt500-japan-series-info.41997/
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
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  11. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    We did not Johnny, but others did.
    No praccy got into ok pace but not in the level of top 3.
    Was happily cruising but damn that escalated fast :D
    In the end fuel savings, got really tight.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    A good result at the end of the season, a victory in the final race, but I have to congratulate my rivals and hereby I do. Liudas turned out to be the fastest, Gert-Jan had only 1 point less. Congratulations gentlemen.
    During this race I was even a champion for a while - thank you Toni and Johnny for that moment. :)...a few minutes, a few laps ;)

    Now I'm taking a break from racing, most likely I'll be back in the fall
    See you at the track
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

  14. Gert-Jan van Osch

    Gert-Jan van Osch Pro Driver

    What a race at the end of such a great season... Unfortunately I could not clinch the championship because of my own doing just running in the back of Toni, misjudging his corner speed while Johnny was still beside me, my bad. Congrats to @Liudas Askinis on winning the title. You deserve it because you were overal fastest this season losing wins due to several drive throughs you still managed to finish on top. Congrats to @Michał Mazurek on the win today...

    I had a great launch of the line from P2 overtaking Michal into the first corner. In these cars it is so tough on breaking the draft with such long straights. Michal caught back up in a few laps and my plan was to let him buy and just follow him taking a 2nd place. Unfortunately Michal almost spun a few laps later and I had to take evasive action to avoid him.

    I overtook Michal but lost momentum and Liudas could catch up and a 25 minute wheel to wheel battle started... It ended with us interlocking wheels and spinning off the track. Michal could overtake us both and took a firm lead. Johnny and Toni got into the mix as well having their own battle. When we spun I thought I was not ahead in the chicane and I let Liudas by again and continue our fight. At this point Michal was virtual in the lead of the championship, Liudas and me in 2nd place equal on points.

    A four way battle started where I wanted to get back to the front. I was able to overtake Liudas, but also Toni and Johnny were fighting side by side. I put my self in an awkward position outside the corner where Johnny was still on the inside. As I said I misjudged the corner speed and just touched the right rear suspension which spun us all around. Liudas was lucky to avoid the carnage and I was glad to see Toni and Johnny could continue too.

    I got back on track a few seconds behind Toni and Johnny who could continue their fight in the remaining 20 minutes of the race. I caught back up and could overtake both of them towards the end of the race finishing third....

    Thanks a lot to Ken Jagger in putting the series together and everyone in a competitive level of racing. I enjoyed it to be back for this championship after not racing for a while. Now I will take a summer break, since the weather is great and it is way too hot to sim race. I will be racing again in the fall. Hope to see you all again to enjoy more sim racing...
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
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    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  15. Gert-Jan van Osch

    Gert-Jan van Osch Pro Driver

    This really makes me look like a bad driver :(
  16. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

    no no mate, view from your cockpit makes me look a bad driver! from my pespective it looked like i got a hit, from yours like i came for it. at the time i felt it's more on you, now i sense it's more on me. are you on single screen as well?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  17. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    In the first clip did you just slam it into reverse right back onto the track onto the racing line??
  18. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

  19. Liudas Askinis

    Liudas Askinis Pro Driver

    me? never! ... yeah - i still had momentum so reverse was an instinct. i did not drive the other way of the track though... i saw Michal passing and i knew there's a gap till next guys. i also knew where Gert was. this was split second decision, - better than spinning back on track and knocking Michal out.
    if FIA would summon me regarding this, i'd argue it was continuation of same accident o_O.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2023
  20. Gert-Jan van Osch

    Gert-Jan van Osch Pro Driver

    In my opinion it is just a racing incident. It was a great race... one for the books...
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