rFactor 2 Round 6 Red Bull Ring

Discussion in 'DTM 2024 Cosed' started by Ken Jagger, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    thanks Ken for the championship, thanks guys for the competition,
    It's a shame that 3 out of 4 overtakes between me and Nick were dangerous. I would not like to continue in this style. I hope in future races we will be more correct. Of course, with TC and ABS, the car is completely different, much easier to drive, faster and more forgiving of serious mistakes, but less interesting for my taste. Thank you all for your company, I hope to see you on Tuesday
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  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Congratulations to Roman on the Drivers Championship with a commanding four wins and to Nick Westy & Robin Taylor on a great Teams Championship win for Black Cat Motorsports.

    Due to scheduling constraints and the onset of Summer, my next hosted RF2 Sunday series will start on 14th July.
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  4. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    i'll let people watch the replay and decide for themselves whos overtakes were "dangerous", first overtake by me at turn 2 was text book with no contact, next overtake at turn 3 had minor side contact because a cars width was not given, I had to ride the kerb as much as possible to try to avoid contact but roman was turning in come what may then obviously the red mist took effect because at the next corner I was punted from a long way back. Then to top it off a low percentage move was made at turn 3 by roman with contact which put me in the gravel with damage.

    As I said in the chat, no hard feelings because it was a good battle and I look forward to racing against someone who is about the same pace as myself, hopefully there will be no need for anymore red mist moments.

    Thanks Ken for this championship, these cars were a blast to drive, really enjoyed them and to my team mate robin, another championship for Back Cat Motorsports!
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  5. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    Your first overtaking was “standard” only because I saved myself seeing your movement and avoided contact. These dives from 50 meters have already led to collisions, as well as your second overtaking with the same dive from afar. I saw him, I assumed that he would follow and tried to save himself, and my maneuver in turn 3 would have been an absolute exact copy of yours. And he was really in response. Before that, I followed you for more than 10 laps without making such movements and waited for your mistake. I don’t like diving bombs, although I see them from time to time in sim racing, I don’t think it’s right, but if it’s like that with me, then I can do it too
  6. Roman Granatovich

    Roman Granatovich Pro Driver

    I also really hope that in the future we will be more careful with each other
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  7. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Please refrain from public accusations about driving behavior and use PM's if required. Thank you.

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