Project Cars 2 Round 6 Ruapuna Park GP

Discussion in 'PC2 Vintage Formula 1 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

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  2. Brian Donald

    Brian Donald Pro Driver Donator

    Hi guys,
    I wont manage the last race on Tuesday due to another commintment.
    Enjoyed racing the lotus and racing with the usual gang round some great tracks.
    Thanks to Ken and all at admin at SRO for setting up the series for us and hoping there is another one to come?
    Enjoy the race guys and good luck to all.
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  3. Julian Smith

    Julian Smith Pro Driver

    Also I cant make it tonight due to unforeseen circumstances, sorry all, Hope you enjoy the race and good luck .:)
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  4. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver Donator

    Congrats to Alexander , and to Gerhard for second place also to Christian for podium .
    Thank you to Admins for the effort and fun you give us all.
    Also sorry to see that Julian and Brian missed out on this one :(

    Race report
    Did a nice start :cool: could take the lead and have some space to Alex but I knew it would soon end up .
    My own misstake going wide out on the grass and hit 4-5 plastic cones and got suspension damage :eek::confused::eek:
    I decided not go to pit , but this damage was more tricky to get use to, :confused: then at Brands Hatch.:rolleyes:

    So in trying to adopt and try to hang on to Alex I hit a curb hard, and the wheel went out off my hands:eek:o_O:eek:
    the game got paused , had to reach for the mouse to resume the session. try to get on track did not understand
    that I didn´t pick up the wheel at neutral, so when I put down the throttle I went left over to the otherside off track
    pure:oops::eek::rolleyes: luck I didn´t take any one out with me . It was pure crazy time there and a lot off Fwords for sure ;):p:D.

    Back on track at 7th I could manage to get use to it some how and follow Jose for a long time , we picked up Ken and Helmuth
    slowly I got 6th and 5th and at last 4th when Ken had a accident at the end off the race. o_O:rolleyes:

    Hope to see you all soon
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  5. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Once again, I benefited from the mistakes at the front;) and ended up 3 behind Gerhard.
    It seems that I was a little faster in places, but that wasn't enough and he resisted the pressure perfectly.:D
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  6. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    Grats to my teammate Björn for taking the championship. He did very well, i know he is a GT driver and no friend of Formula cars, but he
    adopted his driving technics very fast.

    Outstanding pace from Alex once more, well deserved victory!!!!

    Thanks to Christian, who had an enormous speed and tortured me for 40 minutes.
    I could resist his pressure even it was tight. Well done mate, thanks for the thrill and grats to the podium.

    Hope to see all again at the follow up with GT3, a wide offer of cars, everybody should find his favourite.
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