Project Cars 2 Round 6 Spa Francorchamps

Discussion in 'Ferrari F355 Challenge Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Dec 13, 2023.

  1. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  2. Mark Ekins

    Mark Ekins Pro Driver

    Have finally got my Moza wheel working with PC2. Might see about turning up as i always found PC2 quite fun. Cars quite slow but easy to handle.
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  3. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Be good to have you trying things out Mark :)
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  4. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    I won't be able to race tonight:(
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. Mark Ekins

    Mark Ekins Pro Driver

    Did a few laps, hard to gauge fuel usage and tyre wear, will people be pitting? I mean 2:40 odd laps arent that much fun, maybe i'm not pushing hard enough. Setups never seem of much use in PC2! Changing anything barely does anything
    Tried looking for the server, didnt see it but assumed it was the fully name

    Any key things i need to bind.... Ive set it up with just basic controls so far.
  6. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Front tyre wear is showing higher for me after a few quick test laps, so they will need looking after to avoid a stop. PB of 2.36.258 and fuel consumption of 3.1/3.2 litres/lap. But expect Bjorn to go quite a bit quicker as he is one of our resident PC2 aliens :D
    Bind keys/buttons for pitlane speed limiter and remember to press it when leaving the garage as it is not set automatically. Also rear-look/view. Not much else important.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Scott Ring

    Scott Ring Pro Driver

    A couple close calls near and in the chicane:eek:
    Finally had a close and decent race and finished with no real mistakes in a long while.
    (except my start...Ed was thinking OMG what is this idiot doing) I'm loosing it I tell ya.
    But wing of 0 and still losing out on every strait, very frustrating.:rolleyes:
    Let me know you notice if my brake lights flicker on the straits.
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  8. Brian Donald

    Brian Donald Pro Driver Donator

    Hi Guys,
    Sorry I missed the race but I have harware problems again.
    Looking to get a new PC, any suggestions?
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  9. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    A Pc2 race without Brian is like a barbecue without steaks. Same to José
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Flaviu Bozga

    Flaviu Bozga Pro Driver Donator

    It is a little difficult to make any suggestions related to this. It is very, very important what setup do you have 1 or 3 monitors, rezolution and refresh rate, VR, your expectation (which is the most important one).
    When it is about simracing, the rule (at least for me) was always "the most expensive that I can afford" (which is a little sad in this eastern part of Europe)
    Because, in the end it is about the money you can spend on it.
    About hardware, after many, many years of gaming I recommend Intel proc, nVidia graphics (and I'm 110% this will vary depending on who you ask) and a very powerful PSU. The rest can be anything, because if they failing it is not so expensive to change (SSD, M2 drives, RAM memory, etc.)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I can recommend for top quality, well specced and competitive pricing, along with great after sales support.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Was a bit of a scrappy race for me and I had one to many off-course trips, but not as many as some way-off-course others whose names I won't mention in this season of Goodwill to All Men :D. Turn 1 at the start ended with me being pushed out wide on the exit, dropping a place, but I was able to keep a decent pace and look after the front tyres. Pressure came from Mark, Scott & others not far behind so it was pretty intense all race long. Somehow managed to reel in Gerhard and sneak through on the inside of T1 for 3rd place and then focussed on not making a mistake which would have lost me a bunch of places if I had.

    Sorry to see Mark drop out on his return to PC2 competition and hope you stay the course with this Sim Mark.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Gerhard Hofmann

    Gerhard Hofmann Pro Driver Donator

    Great race from Björn and Flaviu, no one other could go that pace, grats.
    CU next round and please join the follower F1 1963, its great!

    @Ken: sneak through? :confused:
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  14. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver Donator

    As a big thank you to admins and congrats to podium players.
    Thank you all for nice words , never thought that "Alien" and Björn would be heard at same time :rolleyes::)
    good to see that practise , still makes result , for the old man. ;)

    Had a good qual time and p1 so I had to try to get away from the antisipated carnage in t1 .
    Did a good start "was a bit unsure if it was a jump" but looking at a slow replay in 0,25 could see it was not " phu

    Afte that it was a hard chase from Flaviu , had to keep cool and try to slide away ;) that worked out ok until
    crew cheif started to shout about fuel woudn´t last , had to eas off a bit , so my little gap vanished down to 1sec and below .
    Managed to keep it together with no big issue´s , so very pleased :)
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Brian Donald

    Brian Donald Pro Driver Donator

    Hi Guys,
    I wont be able to join the final race on 28th due to pc problems.
    I will be joining the next 1963 formula 1 series. Biting the bullet and getting a new pc :) dreading the setting up o_O
    Thanks to all who took part in this last series and hope to see you and more joining in next years series of races.
    A Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year to all my fellow racers and all the admin at SRO.
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
  16. Mark Ekins

    Mark Ekins Pro Driver

    Hadnt driven PC2 for so long did feel strange. #all seemed to get a bit busy up head on lap one; sue i saw someone going off track to pass at the end of the straight! Having drivien modern cars in most other games, was hard ot remember sometimes to slow down and not treat it like a GT3, was definitely over driving it at times. Think I ended up going off and hitt the barriers hard. Went to pit to repair with about 10mins left but It came back with AI control after the stop... so hit escape.

    My time with PC2 was many years ago, was just looking for a chance to reminisce. I happen to be off work that week so could join. Normally on working weeks i can not as you time the races too early for me to fit in.
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