I've been away from the game for a long time and recently managed to get it up and running again. Unfortunately it seems like rFactor Central isn't really working anymore? Where can I go to download some good mods? I'm mainly looking for indycar/CART or F1 related ones, preferably with track packs for their respective seasons. I remember there was CART Factor and GP79? Any other must haves? Also, I've heard a little bit about the "real feel" mod/utility. What exactly is it and where can I get it? I presume it'll enhance the force feedback feel for my G27?? Thanks for all your help!
There are some rFactor Mods here at SRO: https://simracingonline.co.uk/resources/categories/rfactor-1.14/ There is another site to download from but mod or tracks are not tested about its quality; http://gorfactordownloads.blogspot.com/p/mods.html