Classic Formula Festival
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - EVE F2 - Round 2 - SRO
Quite an intense race yesterday with the F2 EVE. The difference with the F3 is obvious and scary when thinking on the next one with the F1. I'm gutted with the mistake at Eau Rouge that threw away... -
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - EVE F3 - Round 1 - SRO
Mixed feelings about yesterday's race. Disappointed with my mistake in the last hairpin of the race that cost me the chances I had to win the race... Ted did a much better job in that crucial time... -
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - F1 EVE - Round 3 - SRO
Well, I didn't die in yesterday's race... That was objective met. 18 survival laps with the criminal F1 Eve at Belgium in a race with more DNFs than cars crossing the line in the last lap... So... -
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - EVE F3 - Qualy Round 4 - SRO
Well played by Gert-Jan on the qualy session at Belgium 66 yesterday. He, Caitlin, and I were 'fighting' during the out-lap to be on the back of the pack and gain a sec (or two) by catching up... -
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - F2 EVE - Round 5 - SRO
I feel I did a great race yesterday with a substantial improvement on pace from the previous race with the F2 EVE qualifying second without draft (time 3:46.8) that I also achieved during the... -
ViewsrF2 - Belgium 66 - F2 EVE - Qualy Round 5 - SRO
I feel I did a great race yesterday with a substantial improvement on pace from the previous race with the F2 EVE qualifying second without draft (time 3:46.8) that I also achieved during the...
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM