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Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Does anyone have a simple method for modifying skins?
    I've never done it and I'd like to at least change the car number (if that's possible!) and possibly make another skin...;)

    Edit :
    In fact, it looks rather complicated! (for me:oops:) as I don't intend to do it afterwards
    Is it possible that someone could just change the number for me ;)
    (just to differentiate in the race!)
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
  2. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    Using GIMP (free) or Photoshop?
  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    See if you can spot your car
    (no one chose the Jaguar E type for this series LOL!)

    • Like Like x 1
  4. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    Paint.net is free and works well for me.
  5. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Wow, curious to see the mechanics of the Jaguar...:rolleyes:
    The little TVR ate the Cobras... it's missing from the championship!;)
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    ah?! And how do you do it?
  7. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Maybe a new entry can take the Jaguar, because everyone has to keep the car they started with :)
  8. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    yes, I know Gimp, I'm just afraid I don't know how to use it...(the brain slows down...:confused:)
  9. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    Everything new is complicated/difficult/hard at first Christian, but I'm confident that if you try you will succeed.
    I'm sure there are more than a few SRO members who would be willing and able to help.
    What number would you like? I'm happy to do it for you.
  10. Randy Marek

    Randy Marek Pro Driver Donator

    I sent you a pm. But next time I do a paint I would be more than happy to walk you through it with me.
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  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Please install the patch. I will be installing this patch on the server today.

    It's important that you post your comments about the patch here, because it's only for the Cobra. If that goes well, then the other cars will also be updated.

    1. download the patch
    2. copy/paste it in rF2/packages
    3. install (the Cobra V1.04 patch)

    Please read the comments from the mod developer SSSimon and install the patch for the Cobra and let us know how it goes so SSSimon can also work on the other cars.

    Hi guys Firstly I wanted to let you know that I've been loving watching the SRO GT Revival Championship on the live feed. The first two races were awesome to watch and seeing everyone battling and enjoying the cars has been quite humbling. I was excited to get up this morning to watch the replay of Linas Montlhery but was pretty devastated to see the carnage that eventuated. As you can imagine, I've put in countless hours trying to get GT Revival up there with the best mods available for RF2. One of the comments I took note of here on SRO a few weeks ago was the fact that the engines were indestructable and I agreed that they needed to be made a bit more fragile, particulalry as I could see in the past live streams that some drivers were exploiting the engine and slamming down the gears to improve braking. I have to admit, there's still a lot more for me to learn when it comes to modding so when I changed the engine rev limiter and damage, I was really just copying how other modders had done it and the fact that the engine blew as soon as it hit 9000 rpm seemed reasonable to me. I'm pretty sure my real car would be toast if I did that? In testing, I blew the motor a couple times when I was on the grass trying to get back on track but once I knew to be careful, it was no longer an issue and I've driven hours without blowing it.

    I had you guys in mind when I rolled out v1.03 so I released it last weekend to give you plenty of time to test the cars before yesterdays race. I assumed that you all practice and would have adapted to the new engine wear or reported any issues if you weren't happy with it. I've been keeping an eye on the forum and other than problems with HUDs not reading correctly, all seemed ok. Clearly that wasn't the case and a lot of you had your races "blown" and all the time invested in the race was wasted. Please accept my sincere apologise. I know what it's like to invest a lot of time in a race, only for it to go down the drain because of something like this. I've tried to do my best to improve the mod but also not affect the outcome of your championship but even with the countless hours of testing I've done, I've unfortunately failed.

    I knocked off work early today to see if I could figure out a way to make the engine more forgiving. Here's a link below to the Cobra with an updated engine. This is an update to v1.03 so just save it to your "packages" folder and install it in game. There is now a physical limiter set at 9400rpm. The engine will blow after about 4 seconds floored. This will allow for a few slip ups of the throttle without it blowing. If the general concensus is that it's good, I'll update the other cars and roll it out on Steam. Please don't turn discussion into a shit show though. I'm doing my best to please all subscribers but sometimes things that some people want, others don't want but I will take all feedback on board.

    SSS Garage.

    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  12. Matias Estrela

    Matias Estrela Pro Driver

    I looked at the parameters of the new Shelby engine. Please look at the picture

    The best rpm to up-shift is still 6600 rpm. When it comes to the "life" of the engine, if you are lucky, rF2 can give you an engine that, when optimally used, will last 5 hours and 10 minutes, if you are not lucky, the engine can only last 2 hours and 34 minutes. You normally get a engine that will run the time between these two values. The engine wear is interesting, up to 7600 rpm, 1 sec of racing time equals 1 sec of engine life, above this value, every 120 rpm, the wear is doubled. That means, between 7600rpm and 7720rpm it is 2x, 7720-7840 4x etc.. over 9040 rpm the value is 8192x, it means that 1 sec of the race time is equivalent to 136 minutes of engine life.. instant death if your engine "life" is low.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The comments are for SSSimon, the mod developer of course. He will read all your comments here.
  14. Matias Estrela

    Matias Estrela Pro Driver

    Nope.. the modder knows all this, after all, he was the one who made this car.. This information is for drivers who do not have time to test the car and to prevent future protests and whinning.
  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Okay, I misunderstood. Good initiative :)
  16. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    @SSSimon: Thank you very much for this great mod. I for one, am thoroughly enjoying SRO's GT Revival series. The Austin Healey is one of the most fun cars I've ever driven. The work you have produced is absolutely amazing and is truly appreciated. Likewise, your continued efforts to evolve the mod into something even more special are very much welcomed. Thank you very much for the undoubtedly numerous hours you have put into creating the GT Revival mod. Your time and effort is appreciated. Please keep up the great work.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    SSS_Garage Do you have a custom logo for your work? If so post it to me so I can add it to the broadcast bannors! ;)
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  18. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    If not I can just throw something together like this

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  19. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to take part in the race at Montlhéry, but in the few laps I was able to do, I didn't notice anything wrong with the engine!
    All the same, those who take part need to have a minimum awareness of the characteristics of these cars... we're in the 60s, it's in the championship title !!! They can't be driven like today's GTs, with all the gears on the breaker and the throttle at full throttle...:rolleyes:
    Those who don't understand that are in the wrong championship, you have to go with GT3s or other modern cars.

    This mod is very enjoyable, not perfect (we could push the realism a little further, for me, the performance should be in line with the vehicles of the time, the road holding too, perhaps too good!) and made me forget the flaws and especially the graphics of another age of RFactor 2...! Driving is really enjoyable. :)
    Please, it shouldn't be too easy, and the cars should keep their differences (the good drivers will always be in front, even with less efficient cars...)
    Thanks to SSSimon for this mod
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Giuseppe Baldoni

    Giuseppe Baldoni Pro Driver Donator

    I really appreciate the effort to improve this MOD:)
    • Agree Agree x 3

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