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Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    I appreciate all the effort SSSimon. Hopefully all in the series will be good with this, and let you know on here, so that the rest of the cars be updated before the next race. That way they will all be a little forgiving like the updated Cobra. Thanks again for all your effort.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Responds from SSSimon - mod developer:

    Hi guys,

    I am waiting for some specific feedback on the Cobra engine v1.04. Everybody can test, not just Cobra drivers.
    I do have all the cars updated and ready to upload but no one has actually said if they would prefer the current engine or updated one. I think it's a better option but learning from one of the drivers that the engine life is only 2.5 - 5 hours isn't good. These parameters are directly from the SkipBarber car and I don't think are accurate for these cars.

    @Rob Milliken, you don't have to put an SSS Garage logo on the stream but if you like to, the one you made is fine. It's a nice thought and appreciated.
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  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I think the current Cobra engine v1.04 is an improvement over the v1.03 one.

    It doesn't blow instantly with a standing start if you go 1 second over the rev limit. It seems you can keep the throttle fully down now for 4 or 5 seconds before the engine blows.
    And you also have a little wiggle room now in the race if you accidentally over-rev the engine a few times.
  4. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    I was able to do several laps in 3rd gear, even in 2nd gear without breaking the engine, and it easily took 8000rpm without breaking immediately (which seems a bit of an exaggeration to me). As Matias showed with Carstat, these are engines that don't rev very fast, everything happens before 7000rpm!
    I don't know exactly how these engines behaved in their day, so I'd say a compromise between the previous version and this one would suit me!;)
  5. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Same here. A bit of an improvement over v1.03. Last version, I accidently blew the engine a few times. This time, some testing, not once did I blow. Still have to keep the engine safe during the race because of your adrenaline being a bit different than practice. Nicely done SSSimon.
  6. Matias Estrela

    Matias Estrela Pro Driver

    It depends on how you approach it...:) If you want realistic behavior, you should configure the engine life in such a way that if someone is unlucky, the game will give him an engine that does not last even 60 minutes. Because in real life, sometimes your engine just breaks down, even if you've treated it the best you could.;)
    For me both engines are ok.
  7. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    I am in the mustang and I am finding that the engine and suspension are both fragile on the Eifel track. If go wide and clip the bales, sometimes the engine blows and sometimes I lose a wheel. On the last track you could have the most tremendous accident and drive away from it, as long as you didn't over rev taking off. It seems if you are in the 60 mph range when you have an off road excursion in to a barb wire fence or the bales then either the motor is gone (not from over revving), or a wheel is off the car. Either way your race is over. So I would warn anyone that you need to stay on track or else, even with the smallest off, you will be out of the race. Going to have to drive a cautious race on Sunday. :eek:;)
  8. Kai Syvertsen

    Kai Syvertsen Pro Driver

    Will there be a repair file for other cars?
  9. Rob Milliken

    Rob Milliken Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Yes, this is the question of the day!
    If so we need it asap!
    I think everyone is all in favor of the cobra fix so I say let's do it for the field!
  10. Matias Estrela

    Matias Estrela Pro Driver

    Modder uploaded mod yesterday... One thing... Engine wear in Shelby doubles every 120 rmp, in other cars it doubles every 117.xx rmp, which makes these engines a bit more fragil, test your engines to avoid any surprises.
  11. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Hey guys. Thought it was time to pop in here and say hi! Sorry for stuffing you all around with the engine wear. Hopefully this weekend will go a lot smoother. Thanks Matias for testing the cars and pointing out the incorrect RPM increment on the cars. I was testing different values on the Cobra and forgot to change this on the other cars. I’ve uploaded v1.05 so now all cars are 120x.
    Just a note regarding rev limits. All engines are based on the same engine with slight power differences but they have the same Rev range. Obviously this isn’t the case in real life so the analogue tachos don’t match. All tachos have been calibrated so that the needle reaches the end of the gauge when it hits the limiter. The fuel and temp gauges are accurate and the mod was designed to have no HUDs running for the best emmersion. My advice is to see where the needle is when the HUD is reading 7500rpm and never go past this point.
    Thanks heaps to everyone that has posted messages of appreciation for the mod and the work that has been done to get it where it is.
    Good luck all for Brands Hatch.
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  12. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    v1.05 it is. Thank you Simon for the good times with this mod.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    i'm wondering if in future the mirrors (particularly the centre one in the Cobra) can be improved? It's hard to judge where a car is when the car is squished horizontally.

    @Simon Smith
  14. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure this out. The virtual mirrors and actual mirrors share the same mirror texture so if I stretch it to fit the actual mirrors, the virtual mirrors will be too stretched. I'm sure there's a way to correct it but it will take a bit more experimenting.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    The thing is that in the virtual mirror (that I mainly use) the car seems further away than it actually is. Maybe you can put that on your list?
    Having said that ... overall kick ass mod, Simon!! We are really enjoying it. Thanks that you keep working on the details.
  16. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    You can zoom the mirrors in and out by holding right ctrl+shift+seat up/down. I use -56 if that helps
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  17. Neil Wood

    Neil Wood Pro Driver Donator

    It's not to do with the mirror texture dimensions. I believe it's the UV mapping of them.
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  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I tried that, but then the whole background zooms in along with it. It's no biggy :)
  19. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That's a long standing RF2 issue which affects lots of mods and default cars and has never been fixed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Hi guys, hope you all had a fun race at Longford! I'm spewing Rob couldn't do the stream! Would have loved to have watched all the action.
    Just a couple things regarding the mod. Chris (redapg) has spent the weekend fixing all the mirrors and has done an awesome job. An update will be ready to roll out shortly. I've spent countless hours trying to fix the tyre wear issue. I'm finding that as they wear, they start to vibrate and as they wear more, the vibration gets worse until it's unbearable. I asked Chris to take a look and he wasn't able to replicate it so now I don't know what's going on so I wanted to ask you guys if any of you are experiencing vibrations as the tyre wears. It feels like flat spotting but I've done plenty of tests to rule flat spotting out and I've tried different tyres and don't have the same issue. I'm finding they start to vibrate at around 95% wear. It's the only thing I really have left to fix on this mod and it's driving me nuts! I've tried a few different tyres but nothing comes close to the feedback these tyres give but I think there's something broken in the way they've been created.

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