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Discussion in 'GT Revival 1960s Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    I've had the tyres down considerably lower than 95% (in the Austin Healey) but have never noticed any vibrations.
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Well, most guys (including myself) were actually testing the damage model of the mod. I think it's save to say that it passed :p

    Hm, he would have been bored with more than half the field DNF'd. Maybe not ... he likes to talk :D

    Cool! That's an important update.
    From my point of view, the tyres feel good as they are, they only wear very slow. But we fixed that by setting the wear to x 3.

    I did test the tyres also in the wet, since you made them all weather tyres. The problem with driving in the wet is that the tyres do not get hot enough to grip in the slow corners.
    The rear tyres spin up and create oversteer putting the power down out of slow corners.
    I understand that getting the wear down correctly is a work in progress, otherwise I would suggest adding a second special wet compound that is a bit softer so it can heat up better.

    Cool to see that you are still improving the mod, Simon!
    Why don't you join us for the last one at Bathurst :)
  3. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Do you all run the full hour on the same set of tires and not find it vibrates? Do you notice any drop in grip and lap times toward the end?
    The wet grip was tricky to work on because different tracks have different grip levels and the wetness level of the track changes the grip level. The wet track values are 5%, 15%, 40%, 60%, 100% and the grip level doesn't transition progressively between each level. s397 say that 100% is supposed to be red flag wet. I tried to make the cars still driveable but very tricky to drive at that amount of wetness. I would try to setup the weather to avoid 100% though. I have noticed the tires generally don't heat up much, even in the dry. I have a version of the tires that does build up more heat that might be better. They will punish over driving the car though. I need to get to the bottom of this vibration I'm getting first.

    I'll have a think about joining you at Bathurst. I reckon there'll be lots of DNFs with all those walls! What and where is the local time of the server for qualifying? I'm assuming it's in the middle of the night for me on the other side of the world.
  4. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sorry, I forgot to reply to that question.
    Yes, I do get light vibrations after running 20 minutes. After that the vibrations gets progressively bigger, but not to the point where my wheel is shaking. It's like a medium flat spot towards the end (of a 1 hour race).

    Can everybody else also give their impressions about tyre vibrations to help Simon develop the tyres.
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That sounds like more realism, which is good :)
  6. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    Personally, I may have had some vibrations, but only a few and they seemed natural to me, so I didn't really pay any attention to them!
    I wasn't bothered either by the temperature or by tyre wear (I didn't even need to check the hud).
  7. David Cruickshank

    David Cruickshank Pro Driver

    Hi Simon,
    Great mod thank you.
    A problem I found, the car comes to a full stop if you go off road.

    This also happened on Woodies live stream video
    My ride height was set to max.
    Could you have a look at the UndertrayParams in your .hdv file.
    UndertrayParams=(262500.0, 11600.0, 2.0) // undertray spring rate, damper rate, and coefficient of friction
    I don't know if this is the problem but the numbers are a lot different in comparison to S397 SkipBarber car that has:
    UndertrayParams=(295000,5000,0.5) // undertray spring rate, damper rate, and coefficient of friction

    I don't know if that is the fix or something else.

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  8. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Thanks David. I have a feeling this might actually be a track issue. I don't think the Undertray is used for collision purposes. Plus if the undertray was too low, I think we'd be seeing a lot of sparks from the Porsche. I'll check the collision mesh to make sure it's not too low but this is the first I've seen this issue.
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Simon,
    Do you know when you will update the mod?
    If it's today or tomorrow, I will hold off on setting the server up with the current version.
  10. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    V1.06 went out yesterday with updated mirrors. There’s unlikely to be further updates for a while.
  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Right, I should have checked first.
    Many thanks! That is an important update. :)
  12. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Porche tyres were ok if try to keep smooth and soften brakes little to avoid locking up. End of the race some vibrations and think thats part of the race.
    Wear rate ok but grip loss comes pretty fast and think it might be due to the fact that you have to drive that car little more agressive on braking and cornering.
    Anyhow overall feeling was that it was fun to drive and kept finding more pace race after race.
    All the drivers having vibrations: isit cause of the mod or drivers own inputs during the race? Did you check if had locking on brakes getting flatspots via motec for example?'Another things are ofc forcefeedback settings and even the car setup itself. My point beeing that cant just shout for tyres because if initially feedback is not correct it takes mod to wrong direction.
  13. Matias Estrela

    Matias Estrela Pro Driver

    I would like to thank the organizers and everyone who took part in this championship. Kudos to the modder who made these cars.
    It was quite a pleasant experience. See you in the future. :)
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  14. Simon Smith

    Simon Smith Pro Driver

    Hey guys.
    Firstly I want to congratulate SRO and everyone that participated in the GT Revival championship. The series was run very well and the level of driving and also respect for each other was outstanding. Getting to watch a mod I brought to life in RF2 has just been awesome and made even better by the great broadcast by Rob. I've never been into watching e-sports so I never expected I'd ever be yelling and cheering at the TV when Westy overtook Kirilov at Forest Elbow. That Bathurst battle between the mighty Mustang and the nimble little Porsche was epic and everything I'd hoped for when I did the physics for those cars.
    Thank you to everyone that has provided feedback on the mod and helped me get it to where it is. Also, thank you for your patience and understanding for the Linas Montlhery disaster. I think most of you understand what I was trying to achieve but there are some things that shouldn't be simulated too close to real life. At this stage v1.06 is the final version of GT Revival unless there are any issues that pop up. I have been tinkering with what I'm calling the "Goodwood Edition" which has different tyres with less grip and wear correctly and less BoP. This is proving rather difficult to create. I thought if I created physics with correct weights and engine hp I'd be creating a historically correct car but a 1200kg 400hp Bizzarinni in RF2 is nothing like the real thing so I still have to use false physics to create a realistic experience. Most of the cars are done though and I think they're a lot of fun to drive but unfortunately, with less tyre grip comes less steering feedback which seems to be what most people love about the mod. I'll keep working on it though and see what I end up with and then make a decision whether or not to release it. If I do, the current version will be retained as a "League Edition"
    Anyway, thanks again and good luck for the next championship.
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  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That sounds cool. Looking forward to it. A lot of members here are petrol heads gunning for realism, so I think they will embrace that.
    That Linas experience was interesting LOL. I think the problem was that a few drivers were not aware of the implications of the change. But it all came good.

    I would like to thank you, Simon, for your support and perseverence to keep working on the mod. It came out great and we all love the mod.
    I think I will be doing another series with the League edition when it comes out.
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  16. Christian Dauger

    Christian Dauger Pro Driver

    I don't know if there would be enough 'enthusiasts' to appreciate a more difficult, authentic version, but it would be interesting to try it out, at least once!:) (or more;)).
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