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Discussion in 'Best Fantasy Tracks Series Closed' started by John vd Geest, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Thanks, I know about saving the position but I didn't know the apps would load based on that position the next time!
  2. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    Well, John decided to run this series with this car and then I noticed that there were problems with it actually since it got updated. Not the older version I originally thought about but the updated version. My fault is that I didn't check the updated one and didn't expect it to be that messed up. The original version drove very good.

    But as I said, I already used the generator to make the LODs already. The model is too detailed for gaming. But still rolls quite good in AC. The first LOD came out meeeh, and the lower ones are shitty. But you never get to see them that shitty that close in detail because they will be tiny on your screen/VR. They will be included in the final update anyway. I wanted you guys to run this test first without LODs, just to see how it goes without them because I don't have that good hardware right now. So that I can make some estimations.

    I want to know something specific about any physics issues you think there are with this F50. Nothing arcadey here and also it doesn't explain much. Not more arcadey than the Kunos' F40 which for me isn't top notch physics either, if we're to compare. AC is already with an old physics engine and hasn't been updated for too long, but still rolls good enough. There was plenty of F50 data out there for basic numbers, which were mostly correct already. But on one website I found info about ride height and stiffness of suspension and ARBs which were wrong here. Got those in, and the tires are based on those two F40 tire compounds for some data, but made to be slightly better.

    If anyone feels like bailing out of this, absolutely no problem. I would've spend some hours on this for me anyway.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    I've just tried a 26 car grid at Imola (stock).
    FPS dropped as a low as 35 at the start - I normally get a rock solid 90 in my Rift even with multiple cars types so these will definitely need some LODs.
    At no point in the race or even afterwards in the replay could I get above the 45FPS "I'm struggling" limit that Oculus use when over-stressed.
    Specs are:

    Ryzen 7 3700X running at 4-4.2Ghz
    32GB Ram
    1070GTX GFX card
    B550 motherboard.
    Many SSD's and HDD's
    Oculus Rift

    I'm still not really sold on these, they are definitely better now (I wasn't going to bother with the original cars from the first download) but still seem to lock their front wheels far too easily for a £1000000+ Supercar.
    My Nissan used to do that on stock twin pot calipers, Upgrading fixed it and I refuse to believe Ferrari used the cheapest calipers they could find when building and designing the F50 :confused:
  4. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    @Tim Muttram
    Hey, thanks for the information, Tim :)

    Alright, the LODs are in the final version already (to be uploaded still by John). Should help performance. But we might end up with like just 10ish cars on the grid it seems.

    Barely any real and detailed data to find on brakes. And only a couple of settings in AC files: brake torque (power), balance and the heat curve (effectiveness). Brake balance is set to 60% (61,5% on F40) and brake torque has now been reduced by a couple of percent than initially. Also, since we have the camber and toe settings to tweak for the race track, the brake power setting is added too now, so you can tweak that even more to your liking. But I wouldn't recommend going too much with that. It's still a very stiff suspension road car with street and semi slick tires, don't forget, so I'd rather adapt to the car's powerful brakes and understeer and try to find a way to ease into turns.

    BTW, at the time the F50 came out, it wasn't so expensive, went at just under .5 mil $ hahhah except in the last decade or so. And it wasn't really a car to beat the F40 so easily back then. People weren't so impressed and thrilled by the new car and possibly even the Ferrari either. Even with using the latest in carbon fiber materials, the car with that V12 engine was still heavier than the F40. Over time, the F50 laptimes beat the F40 in Fiorano tests by a couple of seconds. I think I read that the F50 used Brembo calipers and for sure had iron cast ventilated discs in the 90s. The car was reported with short travel brake pedal so the brakes were really easy to make the front wheels lock up. Understeer in corner entry so there's a need to adjust your speed to that. Downforce generated was 400+ kg at its top speed of 202 mph. All this is a short recap of what was reported in some reviews I've read and looked at on YT. All I have from that, I've put in and tested. Whoever has some time, run some F40 vs F50 comparisons in same conditions with street or semislick tires, when John posts the download link, and see how it all goes.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Filip has finished with upgrading the Ferrari F50 and the final version can be downloaded here:

    Ferrari F50 1995

    I'm really impressed with the work he has done and the car drives great. I love it. Hope to see you all on track for this series.

    Server is up. Max of the field is 24 cars.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    @Filip Stoyanovich I just am DLing it right now so didn't test this latest version of course but thanks for your work anyway ! :cool: I guess you should contact the mod authors team and provide them with your work, figures, testimonies etc and I'm pretty sure they would think your version is clearly better and agree for a global sharing with your name in the authors don't you think ?;)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Maxime Tendil

    Maxime Tendil Pro Driver

    Well, I tested her a few laps on Brands Hatch and I can say that you have a future in modding Filip. Great job ! :cool::)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    Thanks, Maxime :) I thought about contacting those guys, but I'm not that much into Facebookin' hahh But I'm really glad if people like this. It's more easily accessible to gather and fiddle with data and test drive it, but it still takes time. And I wish I had even more time for serious 3D modelling and sound to do from scratch. Like some other people have done and brought great new stuff for AC. But then you would be a content creator like DRM guys, and not just modding other stuff.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Do we really want to run a car that is not optimized for game?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    As it is now, the car works very well and it's here to stay. I'm not going to discuss changing the car.
    On the server I'm getting 130 fps and the car feels very good. That's all I need to know.

    Again, the object of this series is just to have some fun. It's for the fun of racing with a few of your friends and to relax a bit.
    There's nothing serious about it. If you want a serious race with serious cars then you should wait for the next league series :)
  11. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Ok John, glad it runs well on your system. Keep in my mind that VR is much more demanding than running on a flat screen.

    The model is not optimized at all and is fine for hotlapping but that is it really.

    I really do like fun races, just wish we would have picked a car that was up to the quality really as there are so many. And again, I do appreciate what Filip is doing, I really do, but I don't believe this car has it's place in any league right now, fun or serious.
  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    You are right. There are a lot of better cars. But once I committed to it and made the series official I had to stay on course.
    I understand and respect your point of view, but do you really think I can be so random as to change the car at this stage? As an admin I can't change content left and right once a series is up for registration. That's very unprofessional. :).
    The problem is the VR/car combo, but on it's own the car is good. Maybe drive it on a flat screen? Hmm?
  13. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    @Tim Muttram and @Laurent Londes
    Hey, I'm curious, did you VR guys try this latest version that has got LODs included or not? If not, try it and let us know how it works.
  14. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    I was doing some laps on Feldbergring with 7 other AI cars with various cars. I never got into reprojection with any except with the Ferrari F50 which was in reprojection the whole time.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    It's better, I get upto nearly 50FPS sometimes now. But it's still under 45 at the start.
    I think the problem is that the standard model is just so high in Polys that it murders the GFX cards when it's drawn.

    For comparison a full grid of the new V6 RSS GT's and GTn's averages a little over 55 on the grid, and happily hits 90 around the back of the track when only 5 or 6 cars are showing.
    This is with all details maxed out mind!

    Short of changing the stock LOD to a lower model I don't think you can fix these.
    I'll sit this one out I think - hope so see some of those tracks making an appearance in another series though, or the 944's as they seem to run ok in groups are a good laugh:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    Same thoughts here really. The base model is not optimized for games and the LOD's are shitty as Filip said himself.

    Too bad really, but I will probably also pass on this series. Looked like fun though.
  17. Laurent Londes

    Laurent Londes Pro Driver

    I'd like to add I got a HP Reverb G2 recently and it has a much higher resolution compared to my Rift S. I'm having a hard time finding correct settings to have it run smooth and look good as well. Throwing in an unoptimized car like the Ferrari F50 means I have to drop a lot of quality to have it run smooth and that is a shame. There are recommendations about how many tris a car should have and anything else is only good for hotlapping.
  18. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Just for the record, I want to point out that people driving with a "flat screen" will have no problems with FPS.
    The problems being discussed above are focused on VR.
  19. Filip Stoyanovich

    Filip Stoyanovich Pro Driver

    OK, I'm kind of getting onto it and maybe I work out something for a new model with less polys. FINGERS CROSSED!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Tim Muttram

    Tim Muttram Pro Driver

    Don't go nuts for my sake Filip - I've already decided to take a holiday for this one!

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