rFactor 2 Le Mans Test Race - Sun Sep 8, 2024

Discussion in 'FIA WEC Championship 2024' started by John vd Geest, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    You are right, it is not a race but a server stress test, as stated in post #1. That's why it is a test race.
    You are free to help with test results or not :)
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  2. Thomas Hölzl

    Thomas Hölzl Pro Driver

    I'm looking forward to the race! If it's too long for you, you don't have to start!
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  3. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

    Its good to test how long one can hold the bladder together as this has so long straights, its easy to drink lots of beer.
    • Funny Funny x 7
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  4. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    That sounds like the Toni we all know and love :D
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  5. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver Donator

    yea it also a stress test on the " old man " ;) will he be able to do so long stint :confused:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    You don't have to do the whole 2.4 hours. That is for enthusiasts.
    Everyone is asked to stay in the race for at least 60 minutes for test results.
  7. Larry Thomas

    Larry Thomas Pro Driver

    That is the question.
    I think Toni would advise "Have another beer and keep on just keep on racing"
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. Björn Johansson

    Björn Johansson Pro Driver Donator

    I understod that , but I´m all in for breaking boundaries . can´t rember doing 2,4 hours ever in simrace :eek:
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  9. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    For some of our members they will remember the 3-4 hour races we used to run at R2P e.g. Supercars at Bathurst with driver swaps.
    Ahh happy days :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Since this is a stress test, do we stick with the same car or can we change to something else after my death. I mean race. Doesn't matter to me. Just checking. :)
  11. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    How about reviving those happy days?
    I would love it if SRO ran an entire series of 2.4hr events.
    Possibly (but not necessarily) based on the WEC series (possibly, but not necessarily, with Le Mans Ultimate?) and like the WEC series, spread the Championship throughout the year.
    Who's up for that?
    • Like Like x 6
  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Since this is a test race, you are not obliged to use the same car that you will drive in the official series.
  13. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    The password for tonight's race has been set.
    You can find the event details in post #1 of this forum.

    After the test race:
    Please report in this thread if you experienced any trouble because of the x 10 time acceleration.

    Thanks to everybody putting in their time to help with this server-stress test for the official Le Mans event in round 3.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2024
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  14. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    An interesting idea Gilles and one we could possibly test. Still waiting for LMU Dedi server functionality to be available.
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  15. Taner Selvi

    Taner Selvi Pro Driver

    Guys. I want to give a feedback about damage rate which is too strict and not in real as % 100. When you touch ( didnt say hit ) it causes too much aero damage for LMH cars. I suggest it should be % 50 for healthy and enjoyable races. % 50 gives damage when you hit, neither scratching nor touching.
  16. Thomas Hölzl

    Thomas Hölzl Pro Driver

    Sounds great! I would definitely be there!
    • Like Like x 3
  17. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Thanks Taner, this observation will also be reviewed after the test.
  18. Matteo Dentella

    Matteo Dentella Pro Driver

    Hi guys,
    I'm registered to the championship with GT3, but for Lemans I would like to use Hypercars. Can someone tell me how it work the hypercars settings?

    If I put the maximum power 520 Kw does the engine last for the whole race?
    Which differnence are there between FIA WEC tyre warmers and Esports endurance series tyre warmers?
  19. Toni Talvitie

    Toni Talvitie Pro Driver Donator

  20. Taner Selvi

    Taner Selvi Pro Driver

    More power ( hp/kw) means more speed basicly : )
    • Funny Funny x 2

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