rFactor 2 Round 1 Australia Albert Park - Sun Sep 17, 2023

Discussion in 'Aptora Formula 1 2023 Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Congrats to the winner whomever it is. My laptop froze or lagged out for a splitt second into T1, came back on and I was in the wall, race over. Gutted..:confused:

    Apologies for the contact with @Daniel Kristow I think, got caught out with the speed difference with DRS and the tow, plus a back maker...
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2023
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  2. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Good racing all. Congrats to the winner! Intense. I was sweating. Had computer issues. They just held me back. Whenever I'd make a gap, freeze would occur. Every single time someone would leave, half a second of lag. One time, it came when I was turning, came back and I was spinning. Crapamoly but that's rFactor. Had fun with Kostas. I froze up on him once. His car went through mine like a ghost. Racing was intense but fun. The DRS just pulls you back so we were pretty much just yo yo's for a large portion of the race. It got to the point I thought he was brake checking but I realized, his tire were just worn. Good racing. Had fun with Nick as well. I think his tires were a bit worn so I caught up. We connected side by side sadly. Couldn't continue. That was that. I guess this is how F1 drivers feel when they crash out? Without the paycheck of course. And also no girls in the stall. Also no Jet to fly around. Also... Anyways. Had fun. On to the next

    Edit: Sadly, you weren't the only one @Robin Taylor. I understand.

    I'm glad this didn't happen.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
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  3. Paulo Rodrigues

    Paulo Rodrigues Pro Driver

    Strange but, neverthless, funny and hard race. Congs to the winner and podium.
    I didn't quite "understand" (my sucessive) lap penalties during qualify. In my opinion at least in one or two corners the limit is too tight.o_O
    But, despite this awful qualy, starting from 17th and finishing 9th can't be bad...:)
    And yet, my computer "froze" once and made me lose track (and hitting the wall)...:eek:
    On the other hand, I think it is important that some drivers didn't keep going in 'SSS' (when they have to keep the same line or just do only one turn) on the straights, doing that to prevent overtakings (this is illegal) and also I suppose that when someone go out of the track...can't come back... ramming the pilot that comes on track. Without these "adventures", I might could have finished at 8th or 7th...:cool:

    But, of course, keep learning...and ready for the next one. ;)
    • Like Like x 4
  4. Johnny Gutierrez

    Johnny Gutierrez Pro Driver

    Here's a video talking about lap top and gaming performance about half way into the video. Hoping this helps.

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  5. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    fun race, not the best start but managed to keep second, saw a gap and took the lead from tim only for game to freeze for 1 second after hitting the saussage kerb and when it unfroze I was in the wall with damage, was still driveable but off the pace so let my team mate through as did not want to hold him up as his pace was really good, pitted soon after as was loosing too much time, from then on it was a slog trying to do 48 laps on one set of tyres, I knew the guys ahead had to pit so focused on keeping the gap below 20s, I knew I would be a sitting duck when they came back out on new softs with a 30-35 lap tyre defect with my worn hards but was not going to make it easy for them, Kostas Kantzouras was just too fast and my braking performance was crap on the used tyres and ran wide after braking on the marbles defending.

    Had a good battle with johnny and knew it would be tough to hold him off for 10 laps till the end, johnny tried the cut back on turn 3 which put him on the outside for turn 4, my right rear got interlocked with his left front and despite turning hard left to take the corner ended up going straight on which put us both in the wall, car was a total wreck but managed somehow to get it back to the pits and get back out again.

    managed to pull a move around the outside going into the fast chicane to reclaim 5th place but that was all she wrote.

    hopefully these freezes are just a track specific issue and not an issue with the mod.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator


    Ulaş Güngör, you have been removed from the series as a no-show.
    If you forgot about the race, then you can sign back up again.
  7. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Thanks bud. Will take a look.
  8. Tim Cartwright

    Tim Cartwright Pro Driver

    Thank you for hosting @John vd Geest

    Great race everyone, don't think I can remember enough to write a turn by turn report, pretty much 58 qualifying laps in a row risking track limits at a good two places each lap. These cars drop so much time if you back off even a fraction.

    Did not think I'd qualify anywhere near pole so the car was set up for the straights which may have been the right call as I felt pretty safe from the DRS pass from @Daniel Kristow , less so through T14-15 which was overheating and over wearing the left front all through practice so thought it best to not push so hard on the full fuel tank. @Nick Westy thought otherwise and went full Verstappen on lap one (in my head this slingshot move will now always be called full Westy), was happy to follow but unfortunately he had a tech issue further around the next lap which put him into the barrier through no fault of his own. I was concentrating (and sweating) on being consistent from that point on and it seemed to work out, needed a bit of fuel saving over the last 15 laps as I hadn't factored in the car using around 5% more fuel when not using DRS.

    Thank you everyone for racing fair and although the attrition was quite high, these cars are awesome to drive.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  10. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Your laptimes were only deleted 4 times, so not bad at all.
    Click on "report" on the right of the result page.

  11. Daniel Kristow

    Daniel Kristow Pro Driver

    Not a great evenings racing for myself personally.

    Quali started off by someone racing to overtake me on the out lap even though there's someone directly in front of me, so I give them room and start my lap, they then go off track and mess up their lap and then rejoin right in front of me causing a massive crash.

    Then for the race, the damage I got from a lunge up the inside, smashed in the rear by the guy behind, and totally wiped out by a back marker wrecked the aero and made the car hard to drive, and then for some reason about 10 laps from the end a heavily damaged car completly slows to let the car in front pass and then decides to practically stop on the apex when I get there, that final damage killed any chance I had of catching P1 and my laptimes started droping off, from there I had to just try and get the car home with the guy behind catching about a second a lap, it wasn't until the final lap of the race I figured out how to drive around the damage.

    And for some reason blue flags is not a thing here? I counted one guy ignoring 9 flags.

    Hoping for a better experience next time.

    No problem @Robin Taylor. I think it was more the back marker trying to race us that caused that.

    Well done @Tim Cartwright I could get really close in the last couple of slow corners but the loss of front downforce in that final corner meant I was understeering badly when trying to get the power down making it difficult for any kind of challenge down the straight.
    That was a good quali time too.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    We can't rule out that some guys really don't have a clue what flags mean and / or need all their attention to just keep the car on the road.
  13. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

  14. Nick Westy

    Nick Westy Pro Driver Donator

    Now if only F1 cars were fitted with horns and lights :D
    i'm guessing rfactor does not start giving drive throughs if you completely ignore them unlike track limits.
  15. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Nope :)
  16. Daniel Kristow

    Daniel Kristow Pro Driver

    @John vd Geest It's in the RFM file.
    BlueFlags = 1 // 0=no blue flags, 1=show but never penalize, 2=show and penalize if necessary for vehicles within 0.3 seconds, 3=0.5 seconds, 4=0.7 seconds, 5=0.9 seconds, 6=1.1 seconds
    0.3 seconds is good otherwise it's forces the driver to slow down to much.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Ah, I didn't know that. Do you also know how much time the being lapped driver has to comply before the penalty is given?
  18. Daniel Kristow

    Daniel Kristow Pro Driver

    I can't remember to be honest it's been so long, I think it's 3 blue flags and a penalty at the 4th, you get a message in the display to say let them through or get a penalty and if you use crewchief he will warn you to give the place.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Cem Çelik

    Cem Çelik Pro Driver

    Bu hafta cenazem var, katılamayacağım, üzgünüm But I want to continue other races
  20. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Can you also say the other bit in English please?

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