rFactor 2 Round 1 Australia Albert Park - Sun Sep 17, 2023

Discussion in 'Aptora Formula 1 2023 Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. Cem Çelik

    Cem Çelik Pro Driver

    I have a funeral, I won't be able to participate in the last race, sorry. I want to continue the next races please
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Hi Cem,
    You can sign up again for the series. There are only 4 red lights now, so you have a chance to get in :)
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  3. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    But remember that you have to confirm that you will race on race day. Even if you are a red light.
    You did not do so last time and therefore you were unregistered.
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  4. Gilles da'Silva

    Gilles da'Silva Pro Driver Donator

    I'd like to give Aptora a very big thank you for sponsoring the 'Aptora Formula 1 2023' series (and ask how many of their Quick books would I need to make me go quicker?)
    A big thank you also to Eitha, for their usual high standard broadcast and of course to SRO and John vd Geest for hosting.
    How was my race I hear you asking? (You didn't? Was that just the voices in my head?) Well, I was battered, bruised, blistered and bleeding, but that was before the race started...
    Just days before the race, I replaced my looong time sim-rig/cockpit (a desk:)) and took delivery of a new, purpose built sim-rig/cockpit. Twenty minutes before the race started, I was still trying to find a comfortable position. I failed. Big time.
    I couldn't steer properly or brake properly. Mind you, I never could steer properly or brake properly - so nothings actually changed there, except for the intense discomfort levels introduced from the awkward positioning.
    I've never had so many off-road excursions and was probably just two wheels away from receiving a drive-through, or whatever the penalty is for abusing track limits. (i assure you, I was the one being abused! By the end of the race, one of my hands was completely numb!)
    Now, two weeks later; after a visit to the hardware store, doing manly things with hand tools, plus, a lot of sweating and swearing - very little has changed!! I can alter the height, distance and angle of the steering wheel, the pedals and the seating position - but I can only ever get 2 of the 3 feeling right at the same time!
    It's so bloody annoying. But it looks pretty....:cool:

    Gawd I miss my desk...:(
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  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Didn't that simulate how real F1 drivers experience a race with all the G-forces and bumps etc.? You really simulated the race with your new cockpit Gilles. Well done! :D
    And congratulations with the new gear!!
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