rFactor 2 Round 1 Daytona Road Course - Sun Apr 2, 2023

Discussion in 'IMSA 2023 Sports Car Championship Closed' started by John vd Geest, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    Did you try deleting any of the SRO series mods in the "content" area first (can't remember exactly what that tab is right now) then the cars, then let steam do it's thing? They really don't have this process quite figured out yet, in my estimation. But it does sound like a server mod/car version/steam mod version mismatch. So, if you were on the SRO server before the latest update, the server mod for the round might be a mismatch for the cars even if the versions match, according to what i've read elsewhere, and that may actually interfere with this process even if steam has the right cars installed for you. The latest version for those specific cars was indeed 3.57 rather than 3.59, but others have said this did in fact conflict with the 3.57 versions in the server's rfm before the latest update.
  2. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Studio 397 updated the GT3 pack in 2 stages. Now they have also updated the Audi, Bentley and Callaway Corvette to v3.59.
    I have just updated the cars on the server. Can you please try again?
  3. Paulo Rodrigues

    Paulo Rodrigues Pro Driver

    Hello again. First of all, thanks for your time. I only can retry later today. Meanwhile, i attateched some images, just to see how strange this is for me (but assuming that it's a mismatch somewhere, where i do not know...): In other server i have the same cars that in SRO are missing... And also an image of what i see in content manager...
    Ps: i'm also think if in my hurry to delete trash & i might had deleted something wrong...

    Attached Files:

    • Like Like x 1
  4. Pasha Paterson

    Pasha Paterson Pro Driver Broadcaster

    It definitely seems like rF2 is confused about the mods' installation status.
    If I were stuck in this situation, since the content manager shows the cars are uninstalled again, I'd see what happens when you choose to install them again. Failing that, I'd try the Steam option to "Verify integrity of game files".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    I think you were already on v3.59 for all cars and the SRO was still on v3.57 for the Audi, Bentley and Callaway. I was a day late updating the server.
    If that was it, it should be oke now.

    When you still have problems, follow Pasha's suggestions and also delete all SRO vmods from inside the game.
    Also, check if you have any custom skins for the GT3 cars and delete those.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    I had exactly the same thing . Audi, Bentley and Corvette didn't update to 3.59 . I just uninstalled the three cars in the content manager under the store content tab and then clicked reinstall for the three cars. RF2 then shut itself down ,when I restarted the game it automatically updated the three cars and installed them. Sorted, should be the same for you.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  7. Paulo Rodrigues

    Paulo Rodrigues Pro Driver

    Finally...i'm in.
    Thanks to all that give a bit of time to help me
    • Like Like x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    What was the problem finally?
  9. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    This is the skin I will be racing with.
    It is made by Gilles da'Silva.

    Aston Martin DBR9 GTE skin
  10. Barrett Erickson

    Barrett Erickson Pro Driver

    image/link not working, john. always eager to see Gilles' skins! does this one include your "sister"?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    How about now?
    No, this one is respectable :p

    AM DBR 9.jpeg
    • Like Like x 6
  12. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Looking very retro cool sir. I was going to offer my services if you needed them but Gilles has done a great job :)
    • Sportsmanship Sportsmanship x 1
  13. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    anyone available for connect in to the server ? i think i have something wrong with my skin
  14. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Sorry, I'm not free at the moment.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    just connect my friend :D not drive
  16. Andrew Harper

    Andrew Harper Pro Driver

    Hi Paulo, does it look ok to you in a "normal" local track session? Or is the issue only when you are on the server?

    We sometimes had this issue with file naming I think (John or one of the others may be able to correct me on this) but if a number of us used alt.mas or alt.dds for our livery the server seemed to get confused and mix the liveries up across cars. Is that the issue you are having or something else?
  17. Lorne Martin

    Lorne Martin Pro Driver

    Hey Andrew Harper, I messaged you about a skin...
  18. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    only online i have problem
    i get kiked from the server or something like that
  19. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    When does that happen? When you are on track or trying to go into the server?
  20. Paulo Tempera

    Paulo Tempera Pro Driver Donator

    already at the track

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