unfortunately that was caused by every one every taking on yellows and then car taking the safety car the positions got so out of hand that it didn.t know what was what its still out now lol i think this confirms that the race needs to be for registered site member not ya average sat eve server hunter
Now I have to go to work for a few hrs ..just to add insult to injury .. Please don't hold the game responsible for this mess .. feel free to torch me up as it was all on me (except the stuck safety car) but we would not have had the safety car if i hadn't dropped the ball ...
mate its a new game to us all were all learning lets put it down to experience and move on with the knowledge we have gained
The infinite pacecar bug from Rfactor. They haven't learned a thing. Thanks for (trying to) host! At least I could finish my wine while driving behind the pacecar.
never mind thanks anyway hopefully next week will go to plan just remember to put the password on and post it on here haha
Yeah, i didn't see the "full course yellow" alert, too busy trying to get thru the first lap without contact. Placement of the alert could be improved, but it's on me that i missed it. Never saw that in LMU before. Probably because it's just not ready for prime time. (couldn't resist the SNL reference today)
After posting about the safety car issue, I was told it's a bug, and the safety car should not even be available yet, haha. Thus, there is no way to turn it off, and that's why I lost so much hair today trying to find the setting for it .... from what I have read so far it has only been seen once! and now twice after today .. so our Test Run might give them some useful info
well if there is a silver lining hopefully Toni and Robin can make the next one, and in a way i'm glad were gonna do it again, I thought we were gonna do a warm up lap so put it in SC fuel mix and then sank like a stone when the lights went green
Lol that is what i thought everyone slowed down for around the first lap and i know we were using the standard game start, green means green so kept my foot in it, untill finding the safety car in T1
Well ive played this game once and joined some online thingy and feels like your race felt like mine then
Torching Rob will get you banished for life! Glad it's rescheduled so now I can get in on the entire series. Bought the game yesterday and installed it just in time for quali. But I missed out on all the fun... We'll get it right the next race. Looking forward to it.
I was really looking forward to the race, but the race will be repeated and I think that's a good thing. I won't be able to take part in any races in March, but in April I'll be back online and ready to do my best on the track... maybe my best will be enough to make it into the top 10 if I'm lucky.