rFactor 2 Round 1 Long Beach

Discussion in 'CART 1990 Closed' started by Ken Jagger, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    Start Type: Rolling - end of Lap 1
  2. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    We will definitely have to get this sorted out because all you can do is follow the guy in front of you when they take off like a bullet. There was no indication on RF2 that it was a formation lap and rolling start. It was a countdown as used for a standing start and it started counting the laps immediately. It looked like everyone adjusted to a standing start and the confusion probably helped us get through turn 1 without major incidents. I guess we could have let the guy in first get a half a lap ahead. lol

    I am sure Ken will have this all sorted out in time for round 2. It was still a great race.

    Thanks to all for the great driving out there. It was probably one of the best races i have competed in for sportsmanship. From what i saw anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Lorne Martin

    Lorne Martin Pro Driver

    So the 3 horns we heard at the beginning was the actual race start then?
  4. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver


    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Arnold Koch

    Arnold Koch Pro Driver

    I also thought that was a weird rolling start..:confused:
  6. John vd Geest

    John vd Geest Administrator Staff Member Donator

    For a rolling start, it would be best to set the server up for a "standing start". So you would start the formation lap manually when the lights go green and do the rolling start at the end of the first lap, starting the second lap when you cross the start line. Maybe add 2 minutes to the race time because of the formation lap = 62 minutes?
  7. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    I was at pole position, I did a slowish first lap and started pushing after the last corner.

    After a few laps a backmarker blocked me on the straight and sent me flying up in the air and that was it.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    I agree that it may be best to do that John but there was no info sent out for this race to explain what was going to happen so it was very confusing when this happened. I think that there needs to be a note in the main series forum explaining how it will work. I know that Ken normally is clear in the chat how it will work in great detail but yesterday it was still a question up until right before the start when i believe it was Ed that said it would be a rolling start. Then when the lights counted down and we left half heartedly, I believe we were all thinking is this or isn't it a rolling start then slowly got faster and faster because we were all confused. Oh well, we should all know for the next one.

    Kostas, your loss was my gain but I must say that was pretty spectacular! you must have connected tire to tire. Your shot straight up. I was almost caught up in it because I was very close in your slip stream. I had a few calls with back markers not sure which way to pull over, I am not sure they were blocking.
  9. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

    Apologies for non-clarification of the start procedure which I should've made clear. If I was actually running in this series myself, I would probably have done that in pre-race chat.

    For our rF2 races using a Rolling Start, standard practice at SRO is to follow Rule 1.3 or 1.4 - https://simracingonline.co.uk/threads/sim-racing-online-racing-rules-and-regulations.126/#post-837 which for this series is Rule 1.4. This means the race actually starts when the pole sitter exits the final turn at the end of Lap1. I appreciate this was not clear for our newer members who are not as familiar with our operations as members who have been racing with us for a longer time and I can only accept 100% responsibility for that. The server was/is set for a default rF2 Standing Start and the Pole sitter, as Kostas has commented, then paces the field at reduced speed until the final turn.
  10. Phil Brown

    Phil Brown Pro Driver

    Kostas if you watch the replay carefully you will see that there was no contact between you and Lorne. Same thing happened when I was trying to pass Robin at the same place. I thought that I'd driven into the back of him but again there was no contact. There is a problem / bug with the mod.Did anyone notice a big jolt after the first left hander past the pit exit,that kept damaging the car. Ive tried it at other tracks and it's worse. I will try the other tracks in the series.
  11. Paul Upham

    Paul Upham Pro Driver

    Yes there is one where Kostas experienced it and the one to the right after left at the bottom of the hill after the pits. you have to keep the center. it is bad. I thought it was a raised man hole (person hole) to be politically correct.
  12. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    I don't have the replay, so I'm not sure what happened. This never happened in practice though. What I remember is that I had to move left and right to find a path around him and then suddenly I was airborne. Perhaps it would not have happened if I didn't have to change direction abruptly.
    I had not a single scratch up to that point, even with the bump after T2 which usually gave a little damage.
    Shame because I was confident to win this one. After the incident I could still drive the car, but the engine was smoking. Went to the pits for 102 seconds, then went our but the engine was still smoking, made a few overtakes and unlapped myself but eventually after a few laps it died.
    I think I followed the start procedure correctly, although a bit faster than the SC speed because I don't think anyone likes driving that slowly. I was keeping the field condensed together and I started making a gap after the 1st lap.
  13. Ken Jagger

    Ken Jagger Administrator Staff Member Donator

  14. Michał Mazurek

    Michał Mazurek Pro Driver

    Mr. Kostas, I would say it was the worst rolling start I've ever seen, but that wouldn't be true. It was a pretty good standing start.
    When you "started the race" the end of the field was still in the second sector, you should make sure that the rate is reasonably compact

  15. Julian Care

    Julian Care Pro Driver

    I know that bump you mean..... Its like going over a ramp if you hit it perfectly!
  16. Robin Taylor

    Robin Taylor Pro Driver Donator

    Good race guys. the start was definitely a bit rough, I was 10 seconds down after lap 1, perhaps a standing start would be better if there's not proper system to follow on a rolling start. Gutted not to win in the end though, ran out fuel on the last lap, don't think I'll get a better chance than that with how fast some of you guys are. On to the next!
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Lorne Martin

    Lorne Martin Pro Driver

    Well I saw the flying car in my mirrors but it was 50 meters behind me…
  18. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    The last sector is the tightest one with a chicane and a hairpin
  19. Kostas Kantzouras

    Kostas Kantzouras Pro Driver

    Of course you did, I went vertical and probably did a proper backflip
  20. Lorne Martin

    Lorne Martin Pro Driver

    Is the server for Watkins Glen going to be put up soon?

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